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Through sickness and health
'Til death do us part
Those were the words that we said from our heart
So now when you say that you're leaving me
I don't get that part


"Now when I read This, I want the two of you to repeat after me." The priest said.

"Through Sickness and Health."

"Through Sickness and Health."

"Til Death Do Us Part."

"Til Death Do Us Part."

Weren't those the words you said from your heart? That you would love, protect, and guide me through any and everything...that you would be there whenever I needed you...that you were always just a call away?

A call that would just ring, ring, and ring until it went straight to voicemail. A love that was only temporary that you couldn't even bare. To protect for only a short amount of time until you were tired...and guidance, there isn't any to even write.

I just they say you lose em, how you get em; but the only difference is...I didn't take you from anybody Seungcheol. You were unclaimed, and all about I thought.

When you proposed the divorce, and that you were leaving me I didn't get it. I thought we had worked out our problems and moved forward. I thought that since she was no longer around that we could build, and go back to being a happy family...but things only got worse from there.

I never understood why, and even when I was to late for me to let you late because the damage was done, and I had something much bigger to worry about.

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