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Well I'm not gon' cry
I'm not gon' cry
I'm not gon' shed no tears
No I'm not gon' cry


This is my farewell to you Seungcheol, I've done all my crying; I've done everything I was suppose to as your husband. I do apologize if it wasn't enough to satisfy you, but I can't do anything about that anymore.

I've fought my hardest, and even though it's sucks to say..this is the end of our chapter. It was fun while it lasted; it really was...I was given two beautiful children, I got to live the life of luxury, and I meant some of the best people I will ever know.

And it's all thanks to you baby, it's all thanks to you. The movers will be coming for my thing soon, and the kids are already asking questions that I'm not ready to answer yet...so don't expect to much from me.

This whole co-parenting thing is something I didn't think I'd be going through; but it is what it is Seungcheol. I just want you to know that you can move on in life without my dragging you down. You can achieve much more, without me by your side...because that's what you always wanted right?

I found a house that suits me, and won't allow the kids to switch schools; since they are still staying with you. As a last request, all I ask is that you don't touch the photos that are hanging on the wall. They were very precious to me, and I think you would know better than anyone.

So until I'm able to get them all, don't move them. I know it's sounds kind of silly, but I'd like to keep them...for memory...The good times...oh! I almost forgot, I have one more thing to tell you.

Not Gon Cry | JeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now