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It's not the time
'Cause you're not worth my tears
Remember what I said
I said all


Remember when I said that I kept feeling weird, and a bit off...or did you brush that off too? Remember when I said; "Seungcheol I need you to come to the doctors office with me!" And you said you had something else scheduled.

Well, I've hid it for so long, I'm surprised you didn't notice...but that just goes to show that you don't pay attention to me...but Seungcheol I'm 5 months pregnant...and debating on the time that your reading this I'm most likely already moved out, and close to birth...unless you saw where I hid this book...that would suck. Haha...

I wanted to tell you, but it all happened so fast that even I couldn't wrap my head around it. We were better than ever when I happened, and I knew the moment after we had sex that I was pregnant...even before I found out, I just felt it.

You know how cheerful I was during my first two pregnancies; so to be a bit sad during this one I hope it doesn't effect this pregnancy. I want you to know that I'll always love you, no matter the circumstance...I always will remember every great thing you did for me, and never will I forget.

Farewell Choi Seungcheol, and may life be and do amazing things for you...I want you to try and forget about me...I want you to do whatever it takes; and be happy with your new life. I cried so much writing this mini journal to you, that I don't have anymore tears to share. Just remember what I said, I said it all.

Forever And Always, Yoon Jeonghan ☘️

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