Author's Note

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Thank You For Reading! I hope you Enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love and adore music so to write a story based on a ship that I love was so much fun!

I always wanted to try writing a story that was like a diary entry but not fully 🥴 so I hope you enjoyed; I like doing concepts like cheating and scandals...might be because I'm dramatic but ANYWAYS!

This story was a break from Psychopath, and i have been working on it...THIS AUTHOR ISN'T LAZY...just lacking a bit...BUT I will be having more Jeongcheol and Zarry books in the future so I hope you continue to Support me!

Author Out 😚

ALSO BEFORE I GO!! If you guys have any questions or anything, don't be afraid to ask! Or even suggestions for stories if you like my writing style, I'm open to them all!


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