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Well, I'm not gon' cry
I'm not gon' cry
I'm not gon' shed no tears
No I'm not gon' cry
It's not the time
'Cause you're not worth my tears
Can't do it


Seungcheol...I have no more tears left in me. This is your 100th time leaving, and cheating on took her to the company dinner and thought I wouldn't find out? Do you not know how weird that looks? Or do you not care?

I am embarrassed, and I can't even show my face to you. You asked me what was wrong with me at dinner, as if you didn't go and do what you did. The kids looked at me, and waited for me answer.

I so badly wanted to tell you to fuck off, and curse you out then in there...but I said nothing and washed down my salad. What pissed me off even more, is the fact you tried to have to sex with me after.

Can you be anymore of an idiot? Do you not care about how I feel? Was I just a stunt to make you look a certain way? Seungcheol I never felt so used.

I don't want to even sleep next to you because I always remember her. I can see her, smell her...and I don't want that. I don't ever want that bitch around me and my kids.

I wanted to cry so bad at the table, I wanted to cry when I saw the pictures, I wanted to cry when Wonwoo told me about you fucking her in the men's bathroom at your job....but I couldn't find it in me; because it was nothing new.

Nothing new at all.

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