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Seungcheol closed the book with tears running down his face. It had been a year since the divorce, and he hadn't seen the younger since. He was busy cleaning out their once shared room, when he found the Journal locked away in a key box along with Jeonghan's wedding ring, and necklace that tied the pair together.

At first he wasn't going to open it, but when he saw their wedding picture slip out, he had to see what it was about. The reason he was even cleaning the room, was because he had moved out of the house. Jeonghan had gotten the photos he mentioned beforehand, and in court the judges granted them joint-custody of the children.

Seungcheol didn't know how the younger was doing. Whenever they did the switch, Jeonghan sent a car to get the kids to and from Seungcheol's house. The divorce was hard for Seungcheol because in reality he didn't want it. Ever since Jeonghan left, he'd been partying non-stop, having meaningless sex, and drained from trying to keep up with it all.

The younger had went on to start his clothing line which was doing wonders with the help of his modeling friend Minghao, and marketing partner Jihoon. Seungcheol's business was still on top of course, with the most sales...but oh how he would do anything to see the younger again.

Anytime the board have exclusive parties for the top companies of the year, Jeonghan never attended; and when he does Seungcheol doesn't attend because he is off doing business overseas. The media didn't take the divorce so well either, since everything had been in the dark for so long; a sudden divorce confused everyone.

"Sir the car for the kids will be coming soon." My maiden said.

"When it comes Make sure to let me know, and hold it." Seungcheol demanded. "Also when the movers come tell them to move everything out of here, I don't want to keep any of it."

"Yes sir." She bowed.


"Daddy are you coming with us today?" One of the children asked.

Seungcheol gripped the diary Jeonghan had left behind and nodded, "Yes, just paying a little visit."

"Oh okay..but you know how much mommy doesn't like surprises." His daughter spoke.

"Yeah I'm well aware sweetie."


The car pulled up to a house Seungcheol thought looked familiar. It was gated, and resembled the house that they pair shared together. Just looking at it almost brought him to tears.

As the car came to an complete stop in front of the huge entrance; Seungcheol felt like his heart was going to drop down into his stomach. For starters he came onto his ex-husband's property without permission or invite, but he needed answers...he needed to see what the hell was going on over on this side.

The doors swung open, and what stood before Seungcheol was a person he missed so much. At first he couldn't even tell if it was Jeonghan due to the change in appearance. His features were much more bold; and his hair cut in a blunt bob...much different from when they were married. His body was slim, and he didn't look pregnant; which made Seungcheol's anxiety shoot through the roof.

Jeonghan was just breathtaking to Seungcheol. He wanted to just fall and question himself why did he do what he did; but that was for later.

"Mommy!" The children cheered in unison; as they hoped out of the car and ran into Jeonghan's arms.

A face that was stone cold, brightened quickly at the site of his children.

"Hey! I missed you guys so much!" Jeonghan smiled, holding the children in a motherly embrace.

"I missed you too..." one of the kids chanted.

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