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11 years of sacrifice
And you can leave me at the drop of a dime
Swallowed my fears, stood by your side
I should've left your ass a thousand times


11 years of sacrificing my feelings, putting my pride aside, and still you left me as if I was nothing. The day you asked me to marry you, I couldn't even breathe. We had been dating for a while, and you gave me any and everything that I could ever want, but why?

Why did you spoil me with so many gifts? Did you think it was filling a empty hole that you were suppose to fill. Did you buy that huge house because I spoke of wanting to raise a family in the near future, or did you do it just because?

Seungcheol I was afraid to say yes to you that night on the balcony. I hesitated because I didn't know what I would be signing up for. I knew Seungcheol...but I didn't know the real you. I feared that once we tied the knot everything would change, and you wouldn't be as interested anymore....but you always made sure I knew how much I was loved by you...right?

Even with these worries, fears, and precautions...I still married you with nothing but a prayer that you would stay true to who you said you were. I stood by your side through it all, and even after the fact. From the ups and downs; I stayed and continued to be your support system.

But where were you when I needed you the most? Who were you with when I needed you here with me?

I should have left your ass ten thousand times, I should have.

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