1. The vibe

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"Harry! Harry! You need to get out of here. My dad's home!" Townes exclaimed with her wide brown eyes, promptly pushing me off of her plush, canopy bed where we had been heavily making out in the late summer afternoon.

"Oh fuck," I muttered as I hit the ground with a thud and sprang to my feet.

"The window, go! Get out of here!"

I quickly bent down and snatched my light-wash blue jeans off of her carpeted floor and stepped into them frantically as Townes leaned over and poked me hard in the side of my bare torso.

"Hurry the hell up Harry! He's gonna freak if he sees you."

"Okay okay," I grumbled, moving as fast as I could.

I grabbed the remainder of my clothes from the floor, tucked my salmon pink colored t-shirt and my dirty pair of white vans under my tanned arm and immediately crawled out of her second story Victorian window and onto the sliding roof. My heart was thudding in my chest as I spied her balding father walking briskly inside the house from down below.

Man, he hated me.

"Aw shit," I muttered, pressing my lean body up against the white siding of her house, praying that he wouldn't stop in his tracks and see me.

He didn't. Thank God.

Then came the shitty part. I braced myself for the impact of the cold, hard ground that I had felt way too many times before and I jumped down from the roof, barreling onto the wet, freshly watered grass.

Fuck, that hurt.

It seemed as though I was always finding myself in these types of situations, just sneaking around with teenage girls who's fathers didn't want them anywhere near me, and yet girls like Townes never bothered to listen to their dads and still snuck me into their bedrooms, even though I wasn't exactly considered boyfriend material by any of them.

I booked it down the street in my white tube socks, still shirtless, and running as fast as I could until I was far enough away to slow down. I tugged my shirt back on over my head and slipped on my vans before pausing for a moment in stride. I stopped to catch my breath on the sidewalk and peered up into the bright blue sky with the sun in my eyes, blinding me.

I had only been casually seeing Townes for a couple of weeks, right at the end of the school year. She was an army brat and always had to mention how her father liked to talk a lot about his guns, which was unsettling to say the least. He also had this strict no boys rule that Townes was keen on ignoring. But she was hot, one of the hottest girls in my year with her tan skin and long limbs, her tight body and dark, silky brown hair and she wanted me.

So how could I ever turn her down?

Making my way back home as dinner approached, my stomach began growling and my dick was frustrated for having been pulled away from the heat of what could have been a fantastic moment for me. I knew I probably wasn't ever going to see her again, mainly because I had summer plans before university in the fall, which required me to leave the UK.

Plus, Townes was going to some university in America, so it was supposed to be my one chance to get it in with her, but now it was too late. So much for that.

Once I got back to my London townhouse, which was only a few streets over from Townes' place, I stopped in the front lawn and spotted my dog Cleo, who was lounging there and gnawing on a bone. I knelt down beside her and pet her long, shaggy golden fur, smiling to myself.

"Hey Cleo. Who's a good girl?" I cooed as she abruptly dropped her bone and jumped up to obnoxiously lick my face.

Cleo was my favorite. We got her when she was just a puppy; I was only five and my older sister, Gemma, was eight. But Cleo was getting to be an old lady now and she wasn't as exuberant as she used to be, yet I still considered her to be my best friend most of the time because I could tell her anything and she just listened.

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