32. You have no idea

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"I'm seeing Christopher again tonight," my mum said with an easy smile as the two of us sat around her country kitchen table drinking medium roast coffee on a Friday afternoon later on that week.

"Yeah?" I replied, my eyes lighting up. "Well, he better know how lucky he is to have a woman like you interested in him."

My mum chuckled gently giving me that look and I knew I was being over protective, but I couldn't help it. "I don't think you have to be over protective with this one," she insisted.

I cocked a brow with another sip. "No? So...you think that this might end up as something serious?"

She shrugged, hiding a hopeful smile. "I don't know, but I have a good feeling about him."

But I smiled in return, feeling happy to see her like this for the first time in a long while. "You deserve it, especially after everything dad put you through..."

She frowned, a short nod following suit. "I know, Harry. But I think everything's going to get a lot better from here on out. Look at all the wonderful blessings we've already had. You graduating school with honors and Gemma having Harlow," she went on warmly.

"And Zayn," I added, now grinning automatically with ever so prominent dimples.

She mirrored my grin. "Yes, and Zayn. I'm so glad to see you two together."

"I've never been happier," I replied earnestly, then pouting a little. "But I miss him already."

"It's only been five days," she pointed out, subtly rolling her eyes in jest.

"Five days feels like an eternity now that I'm in looooove," I whined.

She chuckled at my dramatics. "So when is he coming back from Paris?"

"He said tomorrow...hopefully," I answered.

"Well..." my mum responded, peeking around the corner arch into the living room, her eyes cast out towards the bay window in the front of the townhouse. "I do believe he may have fibbed darling," she continued with a smirk.

"What?" I asked, my eyes widening as I followed hers, leaning over and spotting a shiny black Ferrari 458 that had just pulled up alongside the curb in the front of her house blasting Prince's Purple Rain.

"That lying little fucker," I muttered under my breath, a smiling spreading to my lips as I put my coffee mug down and leapt off the kitchen chair, but by the time I got to the front door to open it Zayn had already left his car and was now standing on the front stoop.

"Boo," he greeted me, his eyes sparking in the sunlight.

I instantly flung my long, tattooed arms around his neck, nearly toppling Zayn right over as he laughed in response, now hugging my body so tight against him for a long minute while I refused to let go of him.

"Why are you always showing up places unannounced? You just love catching me off guard, don't you creep?" I murmured playfully into the side of his neck as I felt his hold on me tighten.

"Creep?" he replied, tickling me in the side. "Oh come off it, it's far more fun when you aren't expecting me and you know you love it," Zayn responded as a matter of fact, now gently kissing the side of my cheek. "And this is just one of two surprises that I have for you today."

My eyes widened now, pulling away from him next while he leaned in and delivered a sweet, soft kiss on my lips and I melted right into him.

"Ooooh," I cooed animatedly as I pulled away reluctantly to speak against his. "What is it? Give me a clue."

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