15. Surprise!

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There was no better word that could be used to describe the way that I felt whenever I was wrapped up snugly in the blankets of Zayn's black duvet comforter with his smooth, purple silk sheets, just sinking down into the soft mattress in such a comfy, blissful slumber.

I hummed quietly, nuzzling my clean shaven face against the feather-filled pillow and slowly turned my body to feel the warmth of Zayn as he laid beside me. We both slept in that weekend and I was so grateful to Gio, because he was now giving Zayn Saturdays off as well, just so that he could spend more time with me.

If I could have it my way, we'd be in the bed all day.

My hand reached out to grasp at his toned, tattooed arm delicately as Zayn snoozed away, laying on his back like he normally did by this hour, and I rubbed the top of his skin gently, causing his hairs to raise up, the goosebumps forming as he mildly stirred in his sleep. Then, I slowly lifted up the blanket and peeked down at his nude body all relaxed, observing the way that his dick laid to the right between his legs just a little.

Oh Zayn. You sunshine, you temptress.

I carefully stretched my hand down beneath the comforter without much thought and started to run it across his belly, dragging my fingertips lightly along his brown skin until he stirred again. I smiled happily to myself, my fingers crawling along the tuft of his sparse, dark pubic hair and pet him there before traveling down the length of him.

Zayn let out a subtle, quiet moan as my hand returned to a familiar place, the corners of my lips now curving upward again as I continued to draw gentle lines up and down his dick, which was soft and pliable, attempting to persuade all the blood in his body to flow there so I could feel him harden up beneath my touch.

There was just something about working my way towards making a limp cock grow harder that I really loved. It was so satisfying to me, satisfying that I could even create that kind of arousal, that it was Zayn who was turned on by the way I felt on him. And I was hooked on that feeling and took every opportunity that I had, so I could experience it as many times as I was able to.

It didn't take too long for Zayn to respond to my touch. I continued to lightly rub on his flaccid cock for a few more minutes, stopping at the head to tenderly thumb over his hole and I felt him twitching now. I could tell that Zayn was beginning to stiffen up from the way that I was caressing his cock, and I eyed Zayn still laying there with his eyes closed, his sculpted face soft and sweet.

"Mm," he drawled.

"Morning sleepyhead," I replied softly.

He strained to open one eye and peered at me as I was now starting to palm his cock a bit firmer until I felt him becoming much stiffer under my hand and outstretched fingers.

"Baby..." he breathed out, closing his eyes again.


"You ever gonna let me wake up without a hard on?"

"Nope," I smiled.

Zayn then opened both of his round, brown eyes surrounded by his long, curly lashes and looked at me again, now smiling faintly.

"You're a nympho, I think."

"Am not," I retaliated smugly, even though I knew he was probably right.

I continued to rub his cock out until his erection was rigid enough for me to hold up straight, and then I proceeded to slowly stroke his newly solid dick through my fist.

"You certainly are. Can't keep your little kitten paws off me."

"Can you blame me? I mean...look at you," I defended, admiring his biceps as he laid back with his hands folded under his head.

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