18. Do you hate me?

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I was leaving the next day.

It was sadly my last Saturday in Italy, and Marco, Adrienne, Gio, Stefano, Leah, Natalia, and pretty much everyone that I had met over the summer were all outside, busy setting up for my going away party.

But not me and not Zayn.

We couldn't, we simply refused to get out of bed all morning long, too cozy and too comfortable to go anywhere or do anything else. And so we just stayed there with each other, holding on to every minute that we had left.

At some point we ended up watching Dirty Dancing, which was one of my favorite films of all time.

My mum, Gemma and I used to watch it together a lot, that and Love Actually, and all the other rom coms that I was secretly obsessed with. And I especially always loved the part of that movie when Johnny and Baby had the final dance to the song I've Had the Time of my Life.

I grinned at the screen every time I saw that scene, every time I heard that song, and it made me want to get up from wherever I was and just dance.

That moment was no exception.

The second that specific scene from the film began playing I had shot up from the bed in a pair of red boxer shorts and Zayn's baggy grey t-shirt, and I immediately began moving and swaying my hips, snapping my fingers, sauntering around with a wicked grin on my face.

Zayn was now laughing at me while I danced around his bedroom to I've Had the Time of my Life with complete shamelessness, just moving my arms and bending my knees, grooving and shimmying along to the beat. I was probably a horrid dancer, but I never cared.

As long as I was having fun and feeling good in my skin, I would keep on dancing.

Then with an outstretched arm beside the bed where he sat, I motioned for Zayn to grab onto my hand. "Dance with me," I insisted.

"Do I have to?" he groaned.

"Yes. Please."

He shook his head lightly at me, his round eyes filled with adoration and caving in. "You are lucky you're so fucking cute."

I flashed Zayn a dimpled smile, satisfied, and pulled him off the bed by his arm, drawing his hands in to grab onto my waist as we started dancing together. Zayn moved pretty rigidly at first, so I tried loosening him up by being so typically me with my charming quirkiness. So I began pulling funny faces at him, acting super weird and doofy, which made Zayn laugh at me even more.

"You're such a loon," he jeered as I pulled on his arms.

I scrunched up my nose at him. "Yeah? I'll see you on the dark side of the moon then!"

And the next thing I knew Zayn succumbed to the moment, fully committed.

He quickly grabbed onto my hand and began twirling me around and around like ballerina next, his eyes now sparkling and locking into mine as he smiled at me amusingly. His hips were gyrating, backing up into me comically, grinding on me like we were in a dirty club somewhere and I was cracking up from his most surprising, random antics that I hadn't expected.

I had never witnessed this super silly, kooky side to Zayn before, at least not like this, but I loved every moment of it, and it made me feel seen.

Out of nowhere he then danced over and reached into his walk-in closet, now snatching at a green feather boa that he apparently owned, and he wrapped it around my neck next, swaying and bopping around with me to the best eighties love ballad there was.

Immediately, I started strutting around the room with it like I was Mick Jagger, making all the same faces he did with the pursed lips, hands raised above Zayn's shoulder and pointing, my arms bent by my sides like a chicken. He was totally cracking up. I then took off the boa and starting twirling it around in the air before throwing it down on his bed.

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