12. Ecstasy

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I was filled up to the brim with deep-seated anticipation as I followed behind Zayn, climbing up the stairs. Their house lingered in an inky darkness, engulfed in absolute silence since Gio wasn't home; and I was pretty sure the only sound that you could even hear was the blood pumping and flowing straight to my heart, raising my pulse as it boomed through my chest.

The moment I stepped into Zayn's bedroom I spotted this medium-sized rectangular box just laying on the end of his soft, king sized bed adorned with a black comforter. The box was wrapped up in this Tiffany blue colored wrapping paper designed with metallic gold polka dots and a pastel pink bow on top, the kind of perfectly wrapped present you would find at a department store for Christmas.

Zayn didn't say anything about it at first. Instead he just strode coolly towards his bed, throwing his leather jacket down onto the floor. He plopped down on top of the bed next, scooting backwards so that his back was propped up against the plush pillows. And I stood there beside the bed with this restless fire in the pit of my belly just waiting for his instructions.

"Open it."

I shot Zayn a slight, curious look and listened, stepping towards the wrapped gift and slowly removed the bow and gingerly undid the wrapping paper, letting them land on the floor next to his jacket.

The outside of the box read Gucci.

Expensive. Quirking a brow, I carefully removed the top of the box and peeled back the tissue paper inside to reveal a light pink and beige colored plaid mini skirt as well as a pair of cotton blend thigh high white socks.

A thin smile crept up to my lips at the sentiment as I lifted the exorbitant looking skirt out of the box and held it up, quietly admiring it. I thought that it looked like a sexy school girl outfit, but much classier. Zayn wasn't wrong either; he certainly had great taste in fashion.

And it then it came to mind that this gift was probably what Zayn had been doing instead of attending family dinner when he said he was running errands earlier. He had been busy doing something special for me.

Next, Zayn pulled his white t-shirt up over his head and chucked it across the room carelessly, leaning back into the pillows with his heavily tatted arms folded behind his head, now staring at me with a look of intent.

"I want you to take off all your clothes and put those on in front of me."

The temperature in the room rose almost immediately at his request as I locked into his brown, kohl-lined eyes, observing him stir slightly as he put me right on the spot.

But I did just as he asked.

I ensured that I moved slowly as I undressed too, wrapping my fingers delicately under the hem of my shirt, lifting it up over my head. Then with nimble fingers I languidly began undoing the button of my jean shorts and pulled the zipper down, shimmying right out of them as they dropped down to my ankles, resting on the floor.

I noticed that Zayn had pulled his own jeans off in the midst of me doing the same and was now sitting back against the pillows in nothing but his black briefs. I looked over and viewed the bulge beneath his fabric just existing right there, taunting me evilly.

And then Zayn started to rub himself over his underwear with a tattooed hand, still observing me and waiting for me to continue.

I felt my own cock flinch inside of my boxers while I gazed upon Zayn there on the bed just touching himself like that. Fuck. I was aching with need now, but I kept on with my task by removing my boxers next and was now standing fully nude before him.

My erection was almost half way there, already starting to elongate and was hanging down heavily between my thighs. I held my breath for a long second, feeling more excited about the next part of this sequence.

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