20. Prism

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Once I got back to London I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my room assignment was much better than I thought it would be. I was given a great spot at Marley House, a smallish flat that I would share with three others at UEL, but we'd each get our own rooms instead which meant I was going to have privacy.

Thank God.

And I was actually starting to look forward to uni a bit more now that I was finally there moving all my stuff in, and I was even more ecstatic that Nick was attending the same university as me. I don't think my mum was too keen on it though, especially since Nick liked to go out a lot and he tended not to always be the best influence on me.

But I was going to try my best to be good.

When I got inside the large, brick building there were students everywhere inside the halls just dragging in their pillows and blankets and suitcases filled with clothes, boxes, bags, the usual things, just busy and buzzing around with their family's help. My mum was also behind me wheeling in one of my suitcases inside of the elevator as I talked on the phone to Nick, reaching out to push the third floor button.

"So after you get settled in why don't we meet at the student hub and decide what we're going to do for fresher's week," I suggested.

"Right, will do. I heard there's something happenin at The Underground Bar tomorrow night, like a DJ or a band playing I think," Nick replied. "We could check that out, yeah?"

"Yes, let's do that," I confirmed as my mum subtly rolled her eyes at me.

"Mum...it's literally the first day of school. We haven't even started classes yet...chill," I commented on the side as the elevator doors opened and we started walking down the hall towards 3B.

"So I hear that Anne's already on your ass, huh?" Nick chuckled on the other end. "Better behave then, Harold. No funny business."

I snorted under my breath at Nick as I placed the key into the lock of my suite door. "So how far away are the West Halls from here?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you that my housing assignment was changed last minute," Nick responded as I turned the key and opened the door.

And I nearly dropped my phone right on the ground when I saw that Nick was standing there in the flat's kitchen donning his lavender slacks and Madonna t-shirt, grinning at me like a jack-o-lantern.

"What the hell is this," I muttered, shaking my head in disbelief as a small smile crept onto my face.

"Happy to see me, sweet cheeks?" he leered, doing a bit of a shimmy as I strolled in and dropped my bags on the carpet of the living area.

"No fucking way...how did you manage to get into the same flat as me?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow skeptically. "What did you do...?"

"Well, I found out that your third room mate was supposed to be this bloke named Jacob that I used to fu...erm...hang out with, shall we say," he stated, realizing then that my mum was still in the room. "You remember Jacob, right?"

"The one with the corvette?"

"No, that's Robert."

"The one with the pony tail?"

"No, that's Nathan."

"The one who said it's not gay if you're on top?"

"What does that mean?" my mum commented on the side while Nick's eyes widened at me for being too blunt in front of her.

Oops. We ignored her.

"No...that's Bennett."

"Okay then I don't remember who Jacob is."

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