31. In the gallery

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I slept on the sofa.

I woke up to the loud clapping of falling rain against the window panes, now groaning as I covered my face with my pillow. What a dreary day. I groaned, realizing that I had no place to live now since Silas and I were broken up and the townhouse was technically his.

Flipping my body over onto its side, I snatched my phone from off the floor, peering down at several text messages from both Gemma and Adrienne asking me if I knew why Zayn cancelled his art exhibit that day.

I don't fucking know.

Of course it was still on my brain, but right now I couldn't think about Zayn too much because the first thing I had to do was figure out my future living arrangement until I could find a flat somewhere. I supposed that the only place I could realistically go to is my mum's, since my old room was still vacant, but the concept of living back home again was not ideal.

Silas emerged down the stairs then as I finally lifted myself off the sofa, yawning as I stretched in just my boxer shorts. He paused at the bottom of the stairs and looked over at me in his blue bath robe, a hand around a mug of coffee.

"If you need some time to move out and find another place I'm alright with you staying here for awhile still," he suggested kindly.

"Thanks," I replied quietly. "I'll just gather some of my things today and go to my mum's for the time being I think. I'll have to come back for Dusty."

He nodded shortly and walked by me as I began dragging my tired feet up the stairs to the bedroom. I searched around for my suitcases stuffed in the closet, pulling them out now and started stuffing some of my favorite articles of clothing, accessories and other necessary items inside.

Zayn came back to my mind as I folded up his t-shirt, sighing to myself. I decided to try and call him and check in, but he didn't answer me. Apparently Zayn wanted to be left alone still.

I packed up my Ford Capri shortly afterward with the suitcases, bumming it out on a lazy, rainy Sunday in grey joggers, my dingy red converse and a Fleetwood Mac t-shirt with a yellow rain jacket on. I started up the ignition and drove off while Right Down the Line by Gerald Rafferty played through my stereo speaker.

I just want to say this is my way of telling you everything I could never say before. Yeah this is my way of telling you that every day I'm loving you so much more. Cause you believed in me through my darkest night. Put something better inside of me. You brought me into the light. Threw away all those crazy dreams, I put them all behind. And it was you, woman, right down the line.

My phone then began ringing inside of my jacket pocket, startling me. I promptly leaned forward to turn down the music and looked, only to see that it was just Nick. So I put him on speaker phone and kept on driving to my mum's house.


"Good day sunshine," Nick greeted me cheerfully. "So...how did it go with Silas?"

Of course Nick wanted to hear all the details of my life drama because as much as he loved to complain about it, he also lived for it just the same.

"We broke up and it was mutual," I replied, now taking a right.

"Mutual? Didn't see that one coming."

"Yeah...me either," I muttered. "And he actually met someone else as well."

"What!? A plot twist! How juicy. Heard from Zayn at all?"

"No, I haven't. He canceled his art show today and everything."

Nick chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah...about that."

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