7. The moment

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I promptly went back to the guest house and took a freezing cold shower, still completely plagued with many, many intrusive thoughts of Zayn and the night before.

I kept thinking about how much fun I had with him and I was stuck on it, stuck on how Zayn actually let me sleep there in his bed beside him throughout the night without ever asking me to leave, without sleeping in one of the guest room beds nearby or on the bean bag chair, even. I mean, there were plenty of other spaces for Zayn to sleep if he wanted to, but he stayed there sharing his bed with me instead.

And I couldn't help but think about what that meant, if it even meant something. Perhaps it just meant that he was comfortable enough with me, that he felt as though were close enough, close enough and comfortable enough to get almost completely undressed with me right there, in fact. But was that even considered normal for just two friends?

I didn't know exactly how Zayn operated in his friendships, but what I did know was that I personally never had a sleepover with any of my mates, not since we were kids and we definitely wore pajamas.

And nobody ever woke up with a raging hard on, either. And now that I was recalling just how massive and stiff his cock was tenting under his briefs. Damn if it had shifted just a little it might have even poked right through the flap and I could have seen how big and beautiful I'm sure his dick was. So I found myself jerking off in the shower to him, yet again.

Maybe it all meant something or maybe I was just overthinking.

Satisfied again after I came twice, I smiled as I exited the shower, my cock hanging low as it swung between my legs. And I felt pretty good, and especially about my new tattoos and feeling even better knowing that I'd always keep the first memory of getting tattooed with Zayn. Perhaps it was natural tendency of mine to be rather nostalgic about certain things in my life, but something about the way last night felt with him was special to me.

But what I really needed to do next was go for a run.

Working out and playing football were the two things that always helped me clear my head whenever there was too much going on inside of it, and after all those thoughts bashing around in my head like a boxing match, I really needed to find a way to chill out on this massive crush I had on Zayn that was only ever growing, before it drove me completely mad.

So I decided to get dressed afterward in a pair of black running shorts, a long white tank top and my orange Nikes. Then I proceeded to enter the house and made one of those detox smoothies that Zayn had procured for me in the kitchen the weekend before. I stood outside on the patio drinking it down under the increasingly humid summer sun when I felt a presence creep up behind me and cover my eyes with cold hands.

"Guess who!?" Adrienne exclaimed in a chipper voice.

"Ahh your hands are fucking freezing! But it feels good actually."

Adrienne laughed shortly. "Sorry, I was down in the freezer earlier grabbing some steak to thaw out for family dinner tonight. So...how are you?"

"Sto bene," I replied as she moved out from behind and hopped around to face me.

"Trying to perfect your Italian?"

"I'm slowly working on it."

She smiled at me and was glowing in this particular kind of way that I hadn't seen before, like she was radiating pure joy from her pores. It looked nice on her. "Gio let me go early today and I've got a whole day of nothing. You want to hang out?"

I nodded. "Yeah sure. I'm going for a run if you want to come along."

She then looked at me as if I had suddenly turned into Medusa. "A run? In this heat? You're a lunatic."

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