chapter 2

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Jeno POV

I immediately groaned as my alarm clock rung throughout my spacious room. I had almost thrown it out of my window.
I stood up and started my morning routine.

I'm kind of pumped for my first day as a teacher. I had graduated early from high school because I had all of my qualifications and so I got my math degree just last year. And if you had my wealth, it wouldn't matter if you even get a job or not since I can just live off of the money, probably until I die.

I had no time for breakfast since I was running out of time. I quickly grabbed an apple from my fruit basket and made my way to the garage. I hopped in my black sports car and immediately started the destination to school. After parking it at the lot, all sorts of looks were on my way. I mean yeah, if you're wearing a suit, looking young as hell and driving a sports car, you'd get all sorts of looks.

I was walking in the hallway making my way to my classroom when suddenly A body clashed into mine. I barely stumbled back. A bubble gum pink haired was on the floor. Cute. He was a complete mess but as he looked up, he couldn't stop staring at me.

"You're staring." I chuckled

After our mini clash, I left him but couldn't stop thinking how cute he was.

When I walked in class, everyone was already seated down and I noticed one of the chairs is empty.

"Hello everyone. I'm Lee Jeno. Call me Mr. Lee. Let's start off with introduction, I want everyone to introduce themselves."

After each and everyone has done introduction, the same pink haired made his way into my class. I raised my right eyebrow as it has already been 10 minutes since classes started.

"Yes sir erm.. I'm Na Jaemin. I moved to Seoul a week ago from Busan. Please take care of me." He smiled.

Sir.. don't call me that.. fuck. I felt my pants getting tight. chill.

I had told him to sit beside Huang Renjun. Although they're sitting at the back, I caught them whispering to each other which I called out.

"Do you guys mind sharing what you two are talking about?" I raised my eyebrows again.

"No. We're sorry sir."

There it is again. Although Renjun and Jaemin both said it. Jaemin's voice stood out to me and rung in my head.

Today, I taught them something easy with terms as reciprocal. Just for review, I also gave homework that they should have learned from
last year.

Time Skip

As I lay in bed, I couldn't get that cute boy in my class. He was perfect. He would be so perfect laying under me, in my play room. I smirked and closed my eyes as I had an early morning ahead of me.

Short chapter but please vote and comment! Thank you❤️

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