chapter 5

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For all the rereaders, I changed the smut to a more consential way. Many thought it was pretty much rape and I didn't mean to make it like that. I'm very much sorry if anyone was uncomfortable in any way. Enjoy!

Jaemin POV

I was now in front of his house. He opened the door and my jaw was pretty much hung to the floor. It was huge and clean. WOW. It was so pretty and aesthetically pleasing with the black, grey and white theme.

I was brought out of my trance as he took a hold of wrist again. We walked up his long stairs and throughout his lengthy hallway. We stopped infront of a double red door with gold lining. Playroom was written on the door. He has an arcade?????

He opened it with a gold key and shock was evident on my face. The whole room was red. Red walls, red bed, red couch, red toys. Wait toys? oh my god.

"What is this?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"It's my playroom baby boy. This is where I take bad boys like you and punish them
until they obey daddy."

"u-uh wha-"

Jeno gave me a sweet loving kiss, feeling pure bliss.

"Are you comfortable to continue?" Jeno gently questioned.

"Y-yes. Please go on." I croaked out. "But please be gentle, i-i-it's my first time."

"Anything for you, baby." He slowly undressed me as he spoke. All that was left was my pink trousers that matched my hair.

"Um.. it's not what it looks like." I tried to explain why my boxers are pink but extremely failed.

"Cute. I don't see anything wrong with it. Little baby is wearing cute, pink tighty whities." He chuckled.

He suddenly pulled my underwear revealing my soft dick.

"You indeed are little, baby." He made a playful joke as he smirked.

"Well Mr. Jeno, you seem like you have a small dick too." Getting frustrated for calling my cute ass dick small, I argued back.

He turned me around and bent me over. A loud smack can be heard throughout the room. Tears started to form as my butt received a hard slap. He swiftly took off my remaining pink garment.

"ITS DADDY." Jeno growled.

He threw me on the bed as he ate me with his hungry, lusty gaze.

A loud smack and a moan was produced. He had slapped my ass again, but it felt.. kind of good?

"hahhh shit, stop it jeno, I'm sensitive."

"Daddy. It's daddy. And stop your swearing. Don't test me baby boy."

"Okay daddy I'm sorry." As i was moving my way towards the post of the bed, I could feel his eyes burning on my exposed ass.

"Okay baby, for teasing daddy I'm gonna have to punish you, get on my lap and bend over. Butt up in the air."

I quickly obeyed as I didn't want any more punishments than what I should get. I got on his lap and bent over.

"Count for me baby."





"20 more slaps as u just swore when I clearly told you not to."



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