chapter 18

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Showering his thoughts away was what Jaemin did. He couldn't get it straight to his head with what happened.

His mom had slapped him but comforted him.

His dad beat the shit out of him.

The boy knows they love him. He knows they're to blame but he couldn't help but to feel partly at fault.

He did fuck around with his teacher and got knocked up on his first time.

If anything bad happens to me, I know that it's to discipline me.

Getting out of the shower after scrubbing his pains away, the boy checked his reflection in the mirror.

He saw a forming bruise on his left eye and left cheek red from getting slapped.

Jaemin softly touched the black eye but hissed in pain as his finger made contact. He for sure has to put sunglasses on for school.

He quickly grabbed his phone and asked Jeno if he could get picked up today. His body hurt. His hair felt a stinging pain. Literal bruises scattered across his face.

Deciding on putting a little makeup on hiding the bruises, he patted a little concealer on and some foundation.

After getting a text back saying sure,he changed quickly to comfortable sweats and a big hoodie. He grabbed his backpack and phone to go eat something in the kitchen.

Walking inside the kitchen, he spotted his mom making bacon and eggs. ahh the classic, shit yummy. His mom spun around and smiled at her son. She brought a plate of breakfast and sat beside Jaemin.

"Hey sweetie, eat up." She smiled, Jaemin mirroring her action.

As he was finishing his breakfast, another set of footsteps made its way towards the kitchen.

Jaemin sat rigidly. He still didn't know how to act towards his dad. I mean can you blame the boy. He tried finishing as fast as he can so he can get the hell out of the kitchen. The pink haired breath hitched as he saw a shadow from behind.

"Jaemin, I wanted to say I'm sorry. My actions went way beyond the line. I never wanted to hit you. I wanted to teach you a lesson, but I'm aware my doings is what you call abuse. I'm sorry, my son." Jaemin's dad gave him a warm back hug.

"Dad. As much as it did hurt me, literally. I know how sorry you are. I'm okay. Thank you for showing that you care." His mom joined the family hug. Jaemin couldn't help but cry. He was receiving something he's been long for from his parents. He was basically neglected as a kid. Never knew the feeling of love from his parents as they work day and night. Now, receiving it feels foreign. It feels new, it feels weird, but somewhat comforting.

"You should probably get going to school, you might run late. Remember I wanna meet that boy. Bring him to dinner tonight at 7." His dad reminded the kid.

"Okay see you guys later!" as he got a phone call from Jeno, indicating he's outside.

"See ya kiddo!" Both parents yelled in unison.


Pretty short chapter, BUT IM BACK! I missed this book so much holy shit. I haven't updated in 2-3 months, oops.

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