chapter 11

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"Look and search for a boy named Na Jaemin." Smirking at the thought of ruining the boy.

Jaemin felt exhausted. He felt heavy. So heavy that it felt like there was an elephant on top of his chest. He couldn't move. He didn't want to move. He just wanted to lay there and never leave his comfortable bed.

But he must. He had already skipped yesterday for his date with Jeno that got ruined by that ugly ass bitch. She looked at me as if I was the slut in the house when she was literally wearing a skirt so revealing, there was no point on wearing it.

Jaemin hated bitches like that. He was a good boy. Never would beat up anyone, boy or girl. But his motto is, if they hit him first then he can hit back for self defence.

Anyways, he finally got up and got ready to go to school as slowly as he can. It took longer than 45 minutes minutes since he really didn't wanna be at school to see his teacher anyways.

After the 10 minute walk to school, he walked into math, ignoring everyone but Renjun.

Renjun is really friendly and it felt good to have a close friend like him.

Once the bell rung, Mr Lee walked in the class looking like he didn't wanna be there either.

Before speaking, he made eye contact with Jaemin and the latter immediately looked down to avoid the stares. "Goodmorning class, everyone take out the homework I assigned the other day before we continue for today's lesson." Everyone silently groaned.

Class passed with short glances made between the teacher and the pink haired. Jaemin would always catch his teacher giving a pleading look. It was full of emotions. Of worries and sadness. He silently brushed it off and continued with his day. Though his phone won't stop buzzing from the constant messages coming from Jeno. Even his friends asked about why he was sulky and seemed like would cry any minute. He of course said he was just tired from not sleeping the night before. They called it bullshit but decided to give him some space.

At the end of the day, right when the dismissal bell rang, he got up from his chair and quickly picked all of his things and ran out the door. He just really wanted to go home and rest.

Unknown Number
Na Jaemin. Meet me at the cafe near your school in 10 minutes.

Who is this?

Unknown Number
It's Yeeun. Meet me or else.

Girl you don't scare me for shit.
This seems like emergency ig😩

After typing a response, he started making his way to the near cafe. He dreaded to go, just wanting to sleep on everything sounded so perfect. He walked into the cafe like a boss ass bitch, as he should. Jaemin spotted the blonde hair girl right beside the window. She was too busy with her phone to even notice Jaemin, so he did what he had to do.

He threw his backpack on the seat, making a big ass noise, startling the girl.
"Oh hey!"

"Na Jaemin."

"Sorry, remind me your name again. It's pretty forgettable." He scoffed.

"It's Yeeun. And remember it, because it's the name that will take your boyfriends last name." The girl smirked at the other's agaped mouth. Jaemin had no words. He was shocked.

"W-what do y-you mean?"

"Seems like you're shocked. Did Jeno not tell you? He's going to marry me in a month. That sucks for you, Jaemin. Because you're just a student that got fucked by his engaged teacher. Did you really think he had feelings for you? And if you don't want this to spread around the school and the media, you would stay away from him." Yeeun demanded.

Jaemin was pale. Everything hit him like a truck.

He fucked his engaged teacher.

His engaged teacher took his first kiss and virginity.

His engaged teacher lead him on.

The feeling of nausea hit jaemin again, as he paled and started sweating. He stood up abruptly and ran away to the washroom.
He once again threw everything up, which was funny because he hasn't eaten for almost a day.

He busied himself for a good 5 minutes just emptying his already empty stomach. His throbbing headache didn't help with the fact that he felt like he could pass out.

He walked slowly to the sink and gargled water in his mouth to take away the nasty taste and smell. Splattering water at his face to somehow help him feel better, and it did. Looking up to the mirror, he examined his physique. His eye bags were prominent, lips were chapped, and skin pale like a ghost.

The washroom door opening took him out of his trance and saw Yeeun standing blocking the door. The sound of the door locking, made him scared. Scared because he felt weak and probably wouldn't be able to fight back for whatever that would happen.

"Well, well, well, Jaemin. You seem out of the blue hm. Are you perhaps pregnant?" Yeeun said with the same judging voice like the last time they met.

"P-pregnant? N-no that's not possible."

Yeeun trudged towards the cowering boy. Right when she got to the front, she wasted no time and slapped the boy in his left cheek. Another came at his right cheek.

Jaemin wasn't shocked so he slapped back.

"YOU BITCH!" Yeeun yelled. She grabbed the boys pink hair and scratched his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK UR CRAZY GET OFF OF ME." Jaemin screeched from the hits he took. Yeeun got on top of him and started hitting him like a maniac. His nausea didn't help him at all as he felt like passing out already. One last blow to the stomach was all that's needed to send Jaemin over the edge. Yeeun got off of him and smirked.

"Look at you being all pathetic. If you really are pregnant, that punch would've probably damaged the baby. Toodles!" The girl said happily and skipped out of the washroom.

Jaemin laid on the dirty bathroom floor with scratches all over his face and beaten. He felt so weak. He could just fall asleep if he closed his eyes.

The last thing he remembered was a person walking in the bathroom and calling for help before the sleep took him away.


Thank you always for supporting this book! I started writing this about 2 weeks ago and the amount of reads and votes really amazes me! Thank you again and hope you keep supporting this book till the end!! ❤️❤️❤️

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