chapter 10

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This story will now be in Third POV unless stated otherwise. Enjoy!


The date consisted of the couple having a Disney movie marathon. Jaemin loved disney movies and Jeno could never resist the shorter's pleading looks and begs.

They surely enjoyed each other's company and couldn't deny it. They knew that they have fallen for each other but neither decided to step up and talk about it.

As Moana played, Jaemin stood up and ran to the washroom, feeling nauseous and the urge to throw up everything he had ate in the morning.

Jeno immediately followed Jaemin but a ring of the doorbell stopped him. He didn't expect any visitors at all.

He walked to the door and opened it, revealing his ex girlfriend.

"Yeeun what the fuck are you doing here?" Jeno asked in disbelief.

"Your dad told me to come over. And I missed you!" Yeeun finished as she opened the door and walked in the house, like it's her own.

"Yeeun get the fuck out of my house before I have the police drag you out."

"Jeno baby! How could you talk to me like that?" The blonde haired girl  gasped.

"Yeeun we're over. Don't call me baby. You're so desperate, it's ugly."

"Don't call me desperate Jeno, you were the one that wanted me first."

"That's until I found out that you're a slut with a loose ass pussy."

"Jeno! Stop it! I know you miss me! Please I'm sorry for kissing that other guy!" Yeeun came closer and closer to Jeno.

"No. Yeeun get out of my hou-" Jeno was cut off with a kiss on his lips.

Jaemin stood at the same room as the other two. Eyes wide open and pale from the vomit and the scene unfolding infront of him. It made him more nauseous and angry for being stupid.

Jeno pushed Yeeun off with a glare and his gaze landed on a sick looking jaemin.

"Who's he? Is this the person you're fucking? A guy? A twink? JENO WTF HE COULD LITERALLY PASS AS A 12 YEAR OLD." Yeeun stated with disgust on her face.

"Don't talk to him like that when you're clearly a slut and not worth my time! Get out of my house." Jeno yelled back.

"No. It's okay. I'll take my leave. Nice meeting you too, whatever the fuck your name is." Jaemin said with tears pooling in his eyes. He didn't bother looking back as he ran out of the house in just sweatpants and a long sleeve. Screams and protests were heard from Jeno and telling him to come back. But he couldn't. He felt played. Seeing him kiss another girl, which he most like have fucked before makes me see fire. Was it all really a game for him? Was I not good enough?

Jaemin's phone kept on buzzing with missed phone calls and texts that he couldn't be bothered with. He was walking and sobbing  someplace unknown to him, trying to get his mind cleared. He ended up walking to a beach with a long dock.
The gust of winds was piercing through his skin. He felt numb. He doesn't know what to do.
Staying at the beach till the sunset and leaving to find his way back to his empty house.
It took 2 hours to find his way home.

Right when he stepped inside the house, it was cold and empty like always since his parents are always busy and barely gives a shit about him. He was used to it though. Just minding his own business while his parents does the same.

He didn't even bother eating since he still feels a little bit ill. Reminding himself to probably see a doctor on the weekend.

He took a long, hot shower since he was out in the cold for a few hours.

He changed into his pajamas and tucked himself into bed. It read 11:00 on his clock, up on his walls.

Not forgetting everything that happened today, he closed his eyes, thinking of nobody but his one and only teacher.

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