chapter 19

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The boy jumped out of his seat when he got a text saying that the other was outside waiting for him. He quickly grabbed his backpack and phone before bidding goodbye to his parents, which he got a smile from both as a respond.

His huge hoodie covered his already petit body, giving him the satisfaction to play with his sweater paws.

Looking forward, he saw his teacher leaning against his car, giving off the stereotypical bad boy vibes that you see from old school movies.

The older looked ethereal, making his stomach emit butterflies punching his stomach. It couldn't have been the baby since it's barely a month old.

The bubble gum haired boy ran up to him and engulfed the elder into a huge hug. After getting comfortable, Jaemin moved back just to give the Jeno the sweetest kiss yoo can give someone in the morning.

Jeno chuckled loving the way his boyfriend acted. "Alright you big baby, let's head to school."

Jeno held the door open for the other to get in, shittinf the door as he made his way around the car to do same thing for himself.

"I miss you hyung." The younger confessed, growing instantly shy. He covered his blushed face with his sweater paws.

"I miss you more, doll. You look beautiful." Jeno stated, looking at the other with heart eyes.

"Yah! stop being corny." Jaemin slapped the other jokingly.

"Hey, you're the one that started it." Jeno once again chuckled, the nth time within the 3 minutes of being with the younger.

The elder squinted, seeing Jaemin's left eye. It looks caked up. Definitely some concealer and foundation was put on.
"Is that make-up on your eyes, Jaemin?" He questioned, genuinely asking.

"Uh, ya it is. Just haven't been sleeping well so I have eye bags I wanted to cover up." Jaemin lied through his words as best as he can but the Jeno didn't seem so convinced, given his face was still serious.

"Did someone hurt you?" Jeno quietly said, which scared the younger. He could hear the anger in the teacher's voice even if it was hard to hear.

"Listen, hyung. When I got home earlier, my parents and I got into an arguement. I don't even know when they came back home, but I was surprised. Dad was really angry with me and hit me. I hate what happened but they're opening up to me, Jeno hyung. They're giving me the love I've always wanted as a kid." His voice kept getting quieter and quieter, till he started crying near the end of his rant.

"Jaemin, I understand that they can get mad over things but violence is never the answer." Jeno softly said, grabbing the others hand for comfort.

"I know. It's j-just, I just told them I was p-p-pregnant. They are willing to open up and help me through it. My dad even asked me to invite you for dinner tonight." Jaemin sniffled, hugging the other. "Will you come?"

"Of course baby. I don't approve of what happened, but I'll do anything to help my baby feel better. Is that good?" Jeno smiled and kissed his boyfriend on the lips.

"Perfect." Jaemin giggled childishly like he wasn't just crying a second ago. Gosh, Jeno can make him feel better in just a nano second.

The older buckled jaemin and himself up and stepped on the gas pedal. Both males made small talk and just listened to calming songs on the radio.

Arriving a block away from school, Jaemin suggested to get off and walk the distance to school so they wouldn't cause any gossip. the latter was reluctant but agreed nonetheless.

Jaemin arrived at school and saw his group of friends near the gate. He sped his way to the boys and quickly hugged everyone. Everyone hugged him back and greeed him, except for Jisung. Which the pink haired had to jump on his back just to get affection from the youngest.

"HYUNGGG! GET OFF OF ME YOU FREAK." The baby chick yelled making Jaemin smack him right on his head.

"YAH! you disrespectful little shit!" Jaemin wiggling on the tall boy's back, making both of them fall on the concrete ground. Laughing through the pain🥲.

"You guys are such kids. Get up and head to class." Mark ordered, making the boys groan and throw glares at the oldest for being such a nerd.

"HEY! Don't look at me like that, now shoo." Mark spat as he glared back and waved everyone off.

Jaemin and Renjun made their way to Mr. Lee's math class. Jaemin squealed as he walked though the door, seeing his boyfriend gets him so excited.

"Quiet down, chile. You're so in love." Renjun nudged Jaemin on his side making the other huff in annoyance.

"He's just so hot!" Jaemin yelled in defence.

A moment of silence took upon the room.

All eyes turned to Jaemin, even the hot teacher, his so called boyfriend. He saw the light smirk his teacher had on his face, but was simply too embarassed to do anything as he made a fool out of himself. He slowly held a peace sign to show everyone while he dashed to his seat, renjun following right behind, laughing at his best friend.

"Nice one, dumbass." Renjun teased as he sat down his designated spot beside the other.

Jaemin couldn't do anything but mock the older, still having a shade of pink on his cheeks.

"Alright goodmorning everyone, today let's learn about polynomials equations and inequalities." Jeno said with his deep teacher voice. Almost all students groaned as they just want to sleep their drowsiness away.

Jeno took a short glance on the other, smirking. Which the other responded with a glare. The teacher laughed to himself and continued to teach his lesson throughout the rest of the class.

Hey cuties, I finally did it.

I made my comeback😭😭😭😅🍑🍑.

While writing this chapter, I actually forgot how much I love writing. With everything that happened, I just really lost my motivation to continue with this book.

But great news, I'm back frfr.

I'll probably update tomorrow as well since IVE BEEN GONE FOR LIKE HALF A YEAR??????

Nevertheless, thank you for sticking with this shit ass book. I love you so much. Take care always💗

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