chapter 4

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Jaemin POV

I took my time getting to Mr Lee's classroom. I purposely walked around the whole school even though my English classroom was on the same floor. I just couldn't get what he said to me out of my head. What does he mean by you're here to play mine. He's just playing games. Of course. What else would it be? Of course he's teasing me. He probably sees me as an easy target. If that's the case. I'll play your games Mr Lee.

I didn't realize I'm already inside the classroom while the hot teacher stared at me. No one spoke. Just a teacher and a student looking at each other.

"Close the door Mr Na" He said sharply.

"Oh. Why Sir? It's fine the way it is." I smirked.

"Tsk. You're really tempting me. If that's the way it is then fine." He trudged towards the door and slammed it shut and locking it as he finished his sentence.

I lost my confidence and stood eyes wide open. Oh my god what is he doing?

"Not so confident now, hm cutie?"

"I-i'm not c-cute" I stuttered like the 100th fucking time today.

"Okay baby, whatever you say."

"Don't call me that."

"Why not? It seems like you like it." We were in the same position like earlier today. He stood in between my legs as he smirked ever so beautifully.

"Cuz that's not appropriate Sir."

"Call me that again, baby."

"What!? NO!" you've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Repeat it." He demanded.


"Good boy. I want you to call me that whenever we're alone. Got it?"

"Yes.. AH-" He slapped my thighs causing me to squeal.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, Sir."

I felt lips on my own. Moving passionately and rough. My first kiss gone.

"MR LEE!" I pushed him away and raised my hand to land on his cheeks. Before it landed, he grabbed my wrist and pulled my body towards his. He latched his soft lips and devoured mine. I stopped resisting and slowly kissed back. I tried keeping up with his fast pace that morphed into a hot make up session. His large hands made its way towards my behind. I moaned as he squeezed it tightly.
"Fuck baby, you're making me insane." He moved back and threw everything off his now empty desk. He lifted me up and sat me on the clean surface and continued our session.
"Sir, what are we doing? We might get caught."

"I locked the door baby, just keep it down." He had grabbed my ass again and gave it light squeezes
"Oh fuck sir."

"Don't swear baby boy or you'll get punished."

"Maybe I want to get punished sir."

"Your ass won't be able to handle it babe."

"What if I can."

"Don't tempt me. I don't want to fuck you until you're out of high school"

"But oppa!"

"What did you just call me?" He did his signature right eyebrow raise.

"Nothing, daddy."

He moved away and snatched his bag. He grabbed my wrist with a tight hold and took me out of the room. He looked around to make sure no student and teachers are roaming around. The coast was clear as it is already 4:00. "Where are you taking me?" He ignored me and kept up his fast walking. I stumbled a couple of times but I was confused with whys going on.

When we got outside, we stopped infront of a black sports car. "Get in, now." he ordered.

We were now on our way to a destination I still have no idea in. "Sir answer me. Where are we going?"

"Baby just stay put, unless you want extra punishments." I looked down and see a huge bulge in his pants. I laughed with all my night and knew why he was in a rush.

"Is oppa hard, hm?" I took my hands and started palming him through his jeans.

"Baby don't tease me right now."

"But oppa I want you right n-" I held on for my life as he sped up way past the driving limit.

"you're getting it."

We came to an abrupt stop and jumped out of the car. He opened my door and basically carried me. I looked up to a huge house infront of me.

"There's no way. This is huge."

"That's not the only thing that's big." he smirked looking at my lips, I covered my face with a red face.

"I'll be the judge of that" I whispered.

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