chapter 22

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        The day started off with Jaemin waking up to Jeno's snores. He took his first few minutes of the day to observe Jeno, like every other day. Oh, how swooned he was for the older. Everything about Jeno was perfect in his eyes. Even his loud ass snores that woke him up.

His eyes retracted towards the olders lips. Resisting to peck but ultimately failed. He felt the soothing lips on his own, how magical it was, until a strong muscle licked his bottom lip. Gasping at the unexpected action from the male he thought was still asleep, made it easier for Jeno to invade his hot cave.

He immediately pushed Jeno away. "BABE. Morning breath is a thing." Jaemin said, disgusted.

"So why'd you kiss me first." The other taunted. "It was just an innocent morning peck. PECK."

"Listen baby, there's nothing innocent about you anymore." Jeno laughed as he grabbed Jaemin's neck and pulled him in for another kiss. The olders hands snaked towards the youngers peaches and gave it a slight squeeze.

An alarm clock rang.

Jaemin once again pulled away and released a huge gasp for air. Pink tinting his already puffed cheeks. "Saved by the alarm clock. I have to get ready for school and so do you, cmon."

Jeno glared at the alarm clock, hoping for it to vanish.

"Fucking cockblock." Jeno said with a click of his tongue.

Jaemin walked into his math classroom with Jeno just right behind him. One went to the front of the whole class while the other went to his best friend. Renjun couldn't stop giggling and wiggling his eyebrows, resulting a slap on the back of his neck.

"JAEMIN YOU SHIT." Renjun yelled. Heads turned to the pair, who couldn't stop bickering.

"Huang, your mouth." Jeno gave a warning to the student, which the other rolled his eyes too.

"Not your mans scolding me because of you. Privileged bitch." Renjun muttered while Jaemin mocked him.

"Okay so are we still going to Lucas's party?" The chinese asked quietly.

"I mean sure, but please don't tell Jeno. I'll let the others know as well. He told me he doesn't want me going." Jaemin answered, with a lop sided grin.

"Min, I mean you are pregnant. Maybe it's best if you don't go. Plus Mr, Lee might get really mad at you." His friend looked concerned for the younger.

"I'm not gonna drink if that's what you're worried about. I'll just come because I know I'll never hear the end of it from Donghyuck and Chenle." The two boys laughed at that. Jeno glared at the two students that were chit chatting and gave a second warning to both. For the rest of the class, they focused on the teacher's lesson and taking notes.

During one of the breaks, the group of friends met up at their common table. "I'm so pumped for the party later. I need to go shopping right after school for my outfit." Chenle clung onto Jisung while thinking of what to wear.

"Why wait till after school. LETS GO TO THE MALL RIGHT NOW!" Donghyuck yelled causing Mark and Jisung to disagree.

"Oh come on, Markiepoo, pretty please." He gave his best puppy eyes to tempt the older.

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