chapter 8

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Someone's POV

There's no way, I just heard a teacher and student moaning. what the fuck.

I stayed there waiting for someone to leave. When I heard footsteps nearing me, I pussied out and ran as fast as my little legs can take me. I stood beside a locker to not be seen. I eyed a pink hair kid and Mr Lee coming out of the room.

I immediately knew who it was.

I don't know how to feel about Mr Lee fucking his student. Matter of fact, Jaemin.

I smirked as the thought continued to cloud my mind.

Third POV

Jaemin tried his very best to not limp as he had just gotten his guts reaaranged the night before. The thought of his virginity finally getting taken away makes his breathing hitch. Especially by the one and only Mr Lee Jeno.

God he's so perfect I literally want him for myself. But I don't even know how it's gonna work out to be honest. The pink hair thought. It's just so complicated with the whole teacher and student concept.

Every time jaemin's thought goes to think about the teacher, he sulks and cries knowing that it might not work out at the end. He knows what he's getting himself into so why is he even putting himself in a situation like it?

I don't know you dumb bitch. Just stay away from him. It's that easy. He told himself.

A hug from his back stops him from moving further into the hallways.

"Hey hyung! Are you okay? You're walking funny."

"Chenle! You scared the fuck out of me. No, I'm fine. I just tripped and my ankle is hurting." He lied straight through his guts.

"Are you sure Jaeminie? Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?" Renjun asked the others as he had a slight smirk plastered on his lower half of his face.

"Nah. I'll be alright guys. Cmon let's get something to eat." Quickly changing the topic was the best thing the pink haired can do but he didn't miss the way Renjun is still smirking at him.

Chenle lead them to the cafeteria where everyone else was sitting.

"Chenle ah! Come here." The tallest screamed.

"Jisung I swear on your deepest fucking beliefs, I will crush your fucking balls if you don't call me hyung." The dolphin snapped.

Everyone in the table yelled at the dolphin in the table to watch his mouth.

"Why would I call you hyung if I can call you baby."

"Is our jisung actually flirting for once. And it's towards our Chenle! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING AWN HELP!" Donghyuck voiced out with his obvious natural, loud voice.

Everyone was bickering and teasing each other while Jaemin sat there smiling at everyone, trying to hide the real pain his ass is emitting at the very moment. He lets out a small hum as he felt his phone vibrating from his back pocket, massaging his sore ass.

Hey baby. After school I'll drop you at home. Meet me around 15 mins after the bell rings so not much people are still at school.

Dont bother asking how I got your number, I put my contacts on your phone while you were sleeping.

I'll see you later baby. Don't be late. I don't like waiting.

Jaemin blushed at his teachers words. He didn't have to take him home since he can just walk but if it means spending more time with Mr Lee as much as he can, then he's not one to complain.

Jaemin waited a little bit before making his way towards the math classroom. Due to his limping, it really took a good 10 minutes to get to the destination.

"Baby what took you so long."

"It fucki- I mean it hurts, what do you expect?"

Jeno did not look amused as the words just slipped out.

"I'll let it slide for now since you're still limping but next time I won't give a fuck if your ass is destroyed. I'll still punish you."

"Okay whatever hyung, can you just take me home. I'm a bit tired." He yawns as he speaks.

"Are your parents home?"

"No. They won't be for another week or so. They're on a business shi- some business. I don't know they never tell me."

"Well then why don't you come straight to my house baby?"

"Um, I don't have my things."

"We'll pick it up on the way."

"Okay great."

The two looked out in the hallway to check if anyone is in the coast. Once cleared, they made their way to Jeno's car and drove straight to Jaemin's house.

Thank you guys for the 250 reads! y'all are crazy! Don't forget to vote and comment! See you in the next chapter❤️

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