5 Days

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Just 5 days until the gang had to split up. Five short days. And in that time frame Serena had to tell Ash how she felt. But how could she do that? Serena spent a day trying to hold Ash's hand but that completely failed. Another day on trying to be alone together when that failed too. Spend another day on attempting to be together but that too failed when Bonnie kept begging Serena to play with her, and spent a day of trying to straight up confess to Ash yet that failed. It was the last day the had now. A full 24 hours before he gang had to split up and go to the airport to say goodbye to Ash. Serena's worse fear day has arrived. She couldn't believe Ash Ketchum, her long lost childhood friend was now leaving her in 24 hours. She tried to quietly get up and go for a late night stroll. As she was walking, she kept thinking about their journey together and how much they've changed since then. And then she kept thinking back to their separation. She didn't get a chance to tell him how she felt and she probably never will. Serena began to cry.
It didn't take long to Ash to wake up and see Serena missing. He looked around for her but there was no sign of her anywhere. "Serena?" he tried whispering. No response. He got up and took a path to go see if she was around. It didn't take him long to see a girl on her knees crying.

Ash: Serena! What's wrong?

Serena: *jumping* ... Uh.. *sniffle* I just tripped that's all. *lyingly*

Ash: Are you ok?! Is anything broken?

Serena: *in her thoughts* My heart is that's all. *Aloud* I'm ok... Just being a weakling is all.

Ash: Are you sure? *concerned and frowning*

Serena: *wiping away tears* Yeah I am. *fake smiling*

Ash was dense but not too dense to know that it was a fake smile. He knew something was up with Serena, but he decided to drop it. Ash offered his hand to lift Serena up. Serena with her rosy cheeks took his hand and got up. Even then, Ash didn't let go. Serena was blushing the entire time.
Before they went back in their tents, Bonnie woke up for water but there was no more in the bottle so she woke up Clemont to take her to a lake. It wasn't long until the whole gang saw that they were all awake. Clemont told Ash and Serena he was stepping out with Bonnie for a while, and Ash explained to him that they got back from a walk. Clemont was drifting to sleep so he hurried to get the water with Bonnie so he could return to his sleep.
Before Ash and Serena went back into separate tents, Ash was still concerned about Serena.

Ash: Serena?

Serena: Yeah?

Ash: Do you want company in your tent? I-I mean if your ok with it that is. At least until Bonnie returns.

Serena: *blushing* Uh I-if you really want to Ash then... Ok...

As went into the tent with Serena. Both of them were quiet but gazing at the stars. Serena was the first one to fall asleep. Ash saw Serena sleeping comfortably besides him. He couldn't help but smile. It wasn't long until he fell asleep too. By the time the siblings got back, they saw the two sleeping together so they went to the other tent to go to sleep.
In the morning, Ash was the first one to wake up. It took him 5 seconds to realize he fell asleep next to Serena. Flustered and unsure what to do, he left the scene of the crime immediately. Bonnie woke up next and saw a blushing Ash. When Bonnie had asked him what was the matter and he gave no response, she realized that he was sleeping in the same tent as Serena. Understanding the embarrassment he was experiencing, she told Ash "Say no more fam!" And went in the same tent as Serena and was fake sleeping. Clemont came out of the tent, confused where Bonnie was. Ash explained she woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to sleep with Serena so he left the tent and she went back with her. Clemont was still a bit confused but accepted the explanation and began to pack up his tent. Lastly, Serena woke up. She saw Ash outside of the tent, awake, and a 'sleeping' Bonnie next to her. Serena was secretly disappointed that Ash didn't fall asleep next to her, even though that's what actually happened but Ash was relieved she didn't find out about that embarrassment.
Eventually, the whole gang was up. They all packed up their camp supplies and went to the Lumiose Pokemon Center to grab breakfast. Lumiose City was the city where Ash and Pikachu would leave today.
They entered the Pokémon Center. Clemont, Bonnie, and the rest of the Pokemon including Pikachu ran inside a room, leaving out Ash and Serena wondering where everyone had gone. The gang inside the room had a plan. They knew how much Serena liked Ash and they knew how much she was struggling, so they tried to help her out.
They came up with a plan and put it in affect. When Ash and Serena came from the main hall into the dining hall, it was empty. No Clemont, no Bonnie, and no Pokemon. But there was a note on the wall. It said "Ash and Serena, we all went to the store to buy some things. We'll be back in around 30 minutes"

Ash: That was weirdly unexpected....

Serena: Yeah....

They come across the table with breakfast food on it and for 2 people. Serena started blushing and Ash was like...

Ash: Guess they aren't gonna be back anytime soon, Should we eat? I'm super hungry!

Serena: Y-yeah lets help ourselves *blushing*

So the two of them ate together. They were talking in depth with each other for a long time. Serena had moments were she was tongue tied, blushing and gazing admiringly into Ash's eyes. To her, they weren't just ordinary, they showed a courageous, funny and overall a very happy and warm personality and character. She knew she had a huge crush on Ash. She pondered to herself.... Does he feel the same? She knew that it was never going to happen.... She always wished it did though...
Afterwards they finally shutted up and realized it's been 2 hours and Clemont, Bonnie and the Pokemon have not returned. They decide to go to the store and see if they were there. To their surprise, another note was there. "We had a problem. We are going to the next town. Hope to see you there soon."

Ash: Aww man...

Serena: Let's go after them.

Ash: Your right. By let's go fast though, since we have to leave soon.

Serena: Right...

So now they had to take a 2 hour walk. Together. Alone. Now Serena was starting to feel the vibes they were sending. She was lucky Ash was too oblivious to actually know what they were really doing. Serena had mixed emotions about this. She was happy they are helping her out, but at the same time they didn't tell her. Oh well it only took 5 seconds to forgive them because she had 2 hours alone with her crush. This was perfect. She had some ideas.

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