The Question

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When they arrived, it was night. Brock instantly greeted Nurse Joy in a flirty matter, but Misty instantly pulled his ear. Brock and Clemont went to cook, Bonnie went to play with Dedenne leaving Ash and Misty alone...

(Sorry to do this to you guys 😩)

Ash was talking to Misty about what he's been doing in Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos and how he came here to take a small break of traveling. He talked about all the Pokemon he's met and his other companions he's traveled with. Misty never thought of a day when she'd have to admit Ash was getting mature. That thought went away when his stomach started growling and he started complaining for he food to be done.
While they were talking, Bonnie saw another one of Serena's poster and shouted out to Ash to inform him.

Bonnie: Hey Ash! Look! It's another one of Serena's poster!

Ash immediately stopped talking and gazed at the poster. He forgot everything he was about to say to Misty because his thoughts filled up with Serena and more questions. "How is she doing?" Was the first question that popped up to his head. Brock came out from the kitchen and noticed Ash looking at the poster. He kept quiet for the first 3 seconds. He felt something going on. Then he decided to break the silence.

Brock: You seem to be interested in that poster Ash. Isn't that the Kalos queen?

Ash: Oh. Yeah she is.

Brock: Do you know her or something?

Ash: Yeah. She traveled with me all throughout Kalos. She's been a major help to me. I hope I can see her again.

Brock: You are going to her show in Viridian City tomorrow, right?

Ash: Huh?... Maybe.

Brock: If I were you I definitely would go. If she's important to you, you should go to her performance to support her. And, she is pretty. But Nurse Joy is in my league!
*running towards Nurse Joy.*

Croagunk came out of its Pokeball and poison jabbed Brock.

Misty: *trying to change the subject* So Ash, do you remember when we first met?

Ash:*still looking at the poster*

Misty: Ash?

Ash: Oh. Sorry Misty... You said if I remembered when we first met? Of course I do. It was totally my fault it happened...

Misty: You're saying us meeting was a bad thing?

Ash: No! I meant it was my fault I stole your bike and got it destroyed. Oh and that too.


Ash: *laughing* I'm just kidding.

Misty: *sighing* You don't change, do you Ash?

The supper was finally ready. Ash's mouth was like a waterfall at this point. The food looked twice as good. He didn't even know where to start. When they all ate Clemont and Brock were sharing each other's recipes and such, interesting each other.
When they finally finished, they decided to plan out tomorrow.

Bonnie: So we are going to Serena's performance, right Ash?

Ash: I guess so, I do want to support her in every way I can since she went out of her way to travel with us all throughout Kalos with us.

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