This is Goodbye

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Everyone was waiting back in Viridian City for Ash, with low hopes he'd find Serena. However to their surprise Ash and Serena returned, and they were holding hands! The group and a crowd of people rushed up to them, with tons of questions in their heads. Questions like "How did you find her?","How did you know she'd be there?" But the biggest question, "Are you guys dating now?" Ash and Serena explained most of what happened, trying to leave out embarrassing details about how Serena thought Misty and Ash were a thing. To answer all the questions from so many people was exhausting, but they knew they couldn't escape the last question. They both looked at each other, smiled and nodded. To answer the final question, they simply said "Yes." The crowd roared with "Awws," and asked even more questions, but that soon got broken up when Serena's agents came, and they did not look happy. Even when the group of friends tried to tell them there was a misunderstanding, they didn't want any type of excuses. Because of Serena running off, they had to potentially re schedule the entire world tour. Serena, didn't have the best look on her face either. In fact, she looked so mad, as if she was about to use a Explosion attack on the agents. Serena told them off and how she was beginning to not like being the Kalos Queen. Suddenly Palermo came with a very mad expression as well. Serena didn't even change her expression, so things didn't look like they were going to go well. Serena explained she didn't want to do this anymore and that she wanted freedom again and to do what she loves best - being with her friends and Ash. Palermo didn't take any no's for a answer. Serena reached in a little pocket on her heavily damaged and dirty dress. Ash's surprise he found the soiled dress attractive. Serena pulled out a flyer for her performance and her schedule and "rrrrrriiiiiippppppp" was all you heard from Serena's hands. With the remaining pieces, she made it rain all on Palermo's head. Palermo exploded with anger and took away the title of Kalos Queen from Serena and gave it back to Aria, and left with the most stiffest walk anyone's ever seen in their life - literally, she looked like she was constipated. An old constipated lady walking like that was something to laugh about, but not in the right moment. Everyone turned to Serena.

Ash: Serena... T-that was your dream... W-why would you do that?

Bonnie: You were doing so well....

Clemont: This is what you were dreaming for and wanted... Wasn't it?

Serena: *nodding her head and smiling* Being a Kalos Queen was nice and all, but it had its downs. Besides, traveling with you guys through the Kalos was a dream! I got to do things and experience things I've never seen or done before. And I also stood up to my mother to protect my dream. If I didn't find the courage to do so from you guys, I probably would have been stuck at home by now falling on my face from my Rhyhorn.

Bonnie: *tearing up* Serena.... *Hugging Serena*

Clemont: *sniffle* T-thanks Serena...

Ash: I'm glad you feel this way. I was so sad when you left. I felt like a part of me was missing. Serena?

Serena: Yeah?

Ash: I think it's safe to say, you were my dream.

Serena: *Speechless*

Ash: Since our very first minutes traveling together I knew something about this journey was going to be different from the other journeys I've had. Then, I looked at you and saw why. A very old friend I reunited with was why, and not to mention a cutie as well. *smirking*

Serena: Ash...

Ash: I really do love you Serena.

Serena: Same here Ash! *tearing up* I thought this day would never come... The day we'd actually confess.

Bonnie: Me too!

Clemont: Wait, what was that Bonnie?

Bonnie: *Chuckling*

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