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Veronica has no idea how she has found herself in Thistletown with Cheryl Blossom. She's seated on Cheryl's oversized bed between Ginger and Tina being shown outfit after outfit, all doused in shades of red. Cheryl has been talking their ears off about how down to earth and classy Toni Topaz is for a Southsider. Veronica has learned the object of Cheryl's affections well over the past two months. The girl is honestly everything Cheryl says she is. Loyal, kind, protective, smart, and most importantly sexy as hell in the tough chick will beat your ass sort of way. Someone who won't take any of Cheryl's shit. Cheryl has yet to come out to Veronica, maybe even anyone in truth. But Veronica is silently looking forward to the day Cheryl is comfortable being her truest self. If Toni Topaz can get the unyielding Cheryl Blossom to that point, then Veronica will welcome her into the fold with open arms.

Veronica lays back on Cheryl's bed thinking about this party as the other girls chatter around her. It's being hosted by the Serpents at some warehouse on the Southside. From what Veronica hears from the girls it is abandoned and the Serpent parties hosted there are legendary. The party is invite only for anyone without the snake tattoo. She's been told no matter how rowdy or out of control the party gets the cops don't dare show up. Nothing is off limits. Only a very select few Northsiders have experienced one of these parties. Cheryl is now being invited for the first time and apparently Veronica is her plus one. Ginger and Tina are severely disappointed, but they don't voice it. They know their place.

She wonders if Jughead knows she will be there. If he even wants her there. If any of the Serpents want her there. Veronica can quite honestly use a party. Something to get her mind off of the stress that has lasted the previous six weeks. The combination of Archie and her parents has dragged her through the ringer. She wants to be sixteen and rebellious for just one night. She knows she'll pay for attending later. Archie is not invited and surely not allowed. Betty won't be there either. She told Veronica Jughead needed space to let loose and that she had plans regarding a brother and her mother. So she had confirmation Jughead will be there. That makes a secret part of her so very excited. She knows he probably won't come on to her again. She had turned him away outright last time. She is not sure she would have the strength this time. She feels like she is back in Jr. High with a crush. She gets to be near him again without Archie or Betty around. She will be with him as well as an abundance of alcohol and the promise of being forced together by mutual acquaintance. Jughead is Toni's best friend and Veronica is apparently Cheryl's in this scenario. They will be thrown together once again, this time without Betty or Archie in the way.

"I want to look bad ass like the Serpents with a touch of Blossom class of course." Cheryl declares.

"You're going to be hot." Tina says giddily.

"So hot." Ginger repeats in the same awe-struck voice.

"Sweet Pea will be there. He's so fine." Tina says in wonder.

"Oh and Arrowhead. He's so quiet and mysterious." Ginger adds.

"Eww no. He looks like a serial killer." Tina disagrees.

"They all look like serial killers." Ginger nods. "That's part of the appeal."

"You're both out of your minds." Veronica finally chimes in with a laugh. "But some of them do have a certain appeal."

"Do not lump my TT in with the rest of those heathens." Cheryl snaps with no heat as she tosses another unwanted skirt to the floor. Veronica thinks maybe Cheryl missed the part where she called Toni hers.

"Jughead is the cutest." Ginger says with a blush and Veronica diverts her attention back to Cheryl lest she expose herself by confessing too much.

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