Chapter Thirty Six

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After Megan left I had a long phone call with Luke. He told me to pack up my stuff and that he'd be at my house in twenty minutes. I grabbed a suitcase and put all the essentials in it; clothes, underwear, some pairs of shoes, makeup and toiletries. I grabbed the different items with shaky hands, my fast heartrate was becoming unbearably noticeable. My dad was still outside my bedroom door, his presence was unsettling despite not being able to hear or see him. When the doorbell rang, he finally moved and I heard him walk down the stairs. I zipped up the suitcase and quickly put on a jacket. It wasn't long before I heard my dad and Luke yelling at each other downstairs. After a couple minutes, someone was coming up the stairs and there was a knock on my door.

"Thea, open your door," Luke said from the other side of the door.

I sighed with relief and unlocked my door. Luke immediately pulled my into a hug and told me it would be alright. 

"We'll get the rest of your things later." He grabbed my suitcase and we met my parents at the top of the stairs.

"You will not be leaving with my daughter," Dad said sternly, his face was red with anger while my mother looked worried, I could tell she wasn't worried about me.

"Move out of our way," Luke stepped forward, staring him in the face and blocking me from his view.

"If you leave with her I'll call the police and have you arrested," I knew he meant it and was almost ready to walk back into my bedroom until Luke spoke.

"Do it and I'll tell them that you fucking hit her!" Luke yelled "You can still see where you hit her and you think I'll be the one getting arrested," he took a step to the side and pointed at the red mark on my face.

"It was a misunderstanding."

"You hit me!" I yelled, finally saying something "I'm leaving with him, right now and you can't stop me."

My father went to say something but my mother put her hand on his shoulder as if to tell him not to. 

"Let them go, we're not having you getting arrested for something as silly as this," she said to my father and my heart sank even further. She didn't care about me, she just didn't want him getting in trouble for hitting me.

"Fuck you," I said looking them both in the eyes, I stepped forward and shoved my father out of the way and walked downstairs, followed by Luke "Don't bother trying to contact me again, I'll be back for the rest of my stuff and then you'll never see me again."

We walked out the door and I got into the passengers seat of Luke's car while he put my suitcase in the boot. I broke down crying as soon as I sat in the seat. I pulled my legs up to my chest and hugged them while sobbing. Luke got in the car and put his hand on my shoulder for a few seconds before putting on his seatbelt and driving out of the driveway.  I lowered my legs and put on my own seatbelt. I wiped away the cold tears from my cheeks and let out a shaky breath.

"Everything will be fine, you don't have to go back there. I can get the rest of your stuff with one of the lads."

"Okay," I whispered and gave him a small smile.

When we got to Luke's apartment, I was so tired that I just went straight to bed. I took off my shoes and jacket and got into his bed. After about ten minutes Luke got into bed beside me, I felt his arm wrap around me and I fell asleep within seconds.

I woke up to an empty bed. I stretched out and then sat up, the bedroom door was opened slightly and I could hear Luke moving around in the kitchen. I walked out of the bedroom and found Luke making breakfast. 

"Morning," I said, he turned around and greeted me with a smile. 

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. I looked up at him smiling and found myself letting out a small laugh. Luke brought his head down to my level and placed a short kiss on my lips and then another on my forehead. My nose scrunched at the smell of burning and I saw smoke rising up above his shoulder. 


"Yes?" he asked, still looking down at me.

"It's burning." 

"Fuck. Shit," Luke said as he turned around to move the frying pan off the burner and turn off the stove. I looked around him to see a pancake in the pan. He flipped it over to reveal the almost fully burnt pancake. 

"You tried," I said and gave him a pat on the back while holding in a laugh.

"I just wanted to make you breakfast," Luke's cheeks were a light shade a pink "You know if you hadn't distracted me, it would have been perfect." 

"Sure," I said and kissed him on the cheek.

With a bit of help Luke managed to make six non-burnt pancakes. After breakfast I called Michael to come over and briefly explained what happened over the phone. I wanted to have that conversation in person, at least that way I could stop Michael from going straight to Dad's office to confront him. I just told him that I got in a fight with Mom and Dad and that I'm moving in with Luke. 

Michael arrived at Luke's right as we finished cleaning up after breakfast. I opened the door and was immediately greeted with a tight hug. After a few seconds he pulled away and I closed the door after him. We all sat down on the couch and I explained everything that happened. As expected Michael was angry and went to try get up to leave and go straight to our dad but luckily he was in between me and Luke, so we shoved him right back down onto the couch.

"He hit you, I can't just sit here and do nothing! I can literally see a mark from his hand," Michael said turning my head with his hand so he could see my cheek.

"I just want you to help me pack up the rest of my things while they're both at work. I would love to see you punch him in the face or yell at him but it's not worth it. I just want to get my stuff and never go back there."

"Michael it's not worth it. You know they'd just try get you in trouble," Luke said and Michael let out a sigh in defeat.

"It's not fair, he shouldn't get away with it but if that's what you want," Michael said and I nodded before hugging him.

The three of us then went over to the house and spent a couple hours sorting through my bedroom and putting my things in bags. The entire time I couldn't wait to leave. It was weird to see my bedroom so empty. I walked around my bedroom one last time before walking out and closing the door behind me. 

"Lets get out of here," I said and we all walked downstairs and out the front door. I put one last bag into the car and got into the back of the car. I decided to be nice and let Michael sit in the front this time.

We went straight back to Luke's apartment and spent twenty minutes brining all the bags up to the apartment. By the time they were all out of the car, none of us wanted to unpack the bags, so they remained in a pile of the floor by the door. We celebrated our hard work by having a few drinks. Michael had to leave after a couple hours and Luke and I just stayed on the couch finishing off our drinks and talking.

"I can't believe we live together now," I said smiling at Luke as I lay with my head on his lap.

"I would've like it to be under better circumstances."

"Me too," I said looking up him. I sat up and turned around to face him "At least now we can do whatever we want, whenever we want and wherever we want," I smirked and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Dirty," Luke said letting out a laugh.

"Shut up and kiss me."


author's note

firstly i'd like to apologise for not updating in like literally over a year. i lost motivation and then i was really busy with school. I didn't edit this chapter either so sorry if there's mistakes, i wrote it at 2am.

this is the last chapter of the story, sorry it's pretty shit and anticlimactic but i had planned to end it on this chapter when i was planning it over a year ago but i never planned anything other than her moving in with Luke.

 i've also grown to not feel that comfortable writing fanfiction about real people. i'm not going to delete my fanfictions cause i've already written and posted them but i won't be writing any more, this is just my personal opinion. 

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