Chapter Sixteen

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"Do you want to help me bleach my hair?" Michael asked walking into the sitting room.

"Didn't you just re-dye your hair red like a week ago?" I asked looking over at him.

"I have a job interview so I need my hair to be a natural colour," he said shrugging.

"Give me the bleach," I sighed getting up off the couch and following him to the bathroom.

We realised we needed a bowl and a weighing scales so I went to the kitchen to get them. I went back into the bathroom and I mixed the bleach powder and developer together.

"Where's the bleach brush?" I asked looking around.

"No idea."

"Well that's great," I spent five minutes searching under the sink before I found it.

"You could have had gotten everything ready before asking me," I said and started putting bleach on the ends of his hair.

"I could have," he said and I shook my head.

"I could ruin your hair right now, you know that right?"


"What happened with that girl you were trying to hook up with?" I checked to make sure the end of all his hair were covered in bleach.

"We made out like once and then she thought we were dating so it got kind of messy."

"Who was she anyway?"

"Her name's Abigail."

"Like Abigail who's two years above me and goes to my school Abigail?"


"I think she wrote a song about you," I said laughing.


"Apparently you suck," I started putting bleach on his roots and then made sure all his hair was covered completely in bleach.

I put a clear plastic bag over his head and set a timer before cleaning up the bathroom. Then we made lunch and I forced Michael to watch Gossip Girl. When my timer went off I took off the plastic bag and we went to the bathroom.

"This is so uncomfortable," Michael said leaning over the bath while I washed out the bleach.

"Shut up," I said rubbing shampoo through his hair.

"Just don't get bleach in my eyes."

I put toner in his hair and left it in for thirty minutes. Then I washed it out and blow-dried his hair.

"Done," I said turning off the hairdryer "And you still have hair on your head, except for that one big bald patch."

"What?" he asked panicked with wide-eyes.

"Kidding," I said laughing "Where are you applying for a job anyway?"

"A clothes shop," he said looking at his hair in the mirror.

"Good luck with that, a girl I know worked in a H&M for the summer and she's never been the same since."

"Well I need a job and it's the only job I can find, mom and dad want me to move out."

"They're trying to kick you out?"

"They think it's time for me to move out and get a real job."

"Fuck, couldn't you stay with Calum or Ashton or anyone?"

Well, anyone but Luke.

"I'll figure it out, might just have to start paying rent to live here," he shrugged.

"You could live here when they're away for work and then stay with one of the guys when they're home for a week or two every month or so. They probably wouldn't even notice," I said and he started laughing.

"What would I do without you."

"Well you'd probably still have red hair."

"I have to go the interview now," he said checking the time "See you later."

"Good luck!" I yelled as he left.

Since I had nothing better to do I went up to my bedroom and started my homework for Monday. I took out my books and copies and started my English essay on a poem we were studying in class.


"Guess who's blonde and has a job," Michael said walking into my bedroom without even knocking.

"Luke," I said looking up from my homework and at him.

"Yes but no, me!" he said with the biggest smile on his face.

"Congrats," I said smiling at him.

"When I get my first pay cheque I'm treating you to a Domino's pizza."

"Ooh fancy, don't forget to actually save some of the money tho."

author's note
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