Chapter Four

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Michael and I spent most of Saturday morning hiding anything valuable or breakable and locking all the bedrooms. The last thing we wanted was something to get broken or stolen or for people to be having sex in our bedrooms. We also took pictures of all the rooms just to be sure that when our parents got home they wouldn't notice we threw a house party. I mean it's not as if they were in the house enough to actually know where everything is or should be but we still wanted to be careful, just in case.

Around two o'clock Megan came over with cases of beer and bottles of different spirits. Where she got the money to buy all that alcohol, I'll never know. Shortly after we realised we didn't have disposable cups or mixers so the two of us had to go get cups and bottles of coke and 7up. We also decided to get some food for the party.

At five o'clock Luke, Ashton and Calum came over with their instruments and equipment. Trying to set up the mics and amps in our sitting room took hours, especially because Megan and I had no clue what we were doing and what was meant to plug into what.

By seven o'clock everyone had gone home to get ready for the party. I went up to my bedroom and put on a black bodycon skirt, a red bralette and a black mesh top and straightened my brown hair. It took me almost a full hour to do my make up because I kept messing up or deciding that my eyeshadow or lipstick didn't suit my outfit. Then I decided to switch out my usual nose stud for a silver ring. After I left my room I made sure to lock my door again.

At ten o'clock Megan, Luke, Ashton and Calum had come back to our house. Megan had her hair curled and was wearing a black denim skirt and a hot pink crop top.

"You look so good," I said pulling Megan in for a hug.

"You too," she said looking at my outfit.

"Now that we're all here. Predrink time!" Michael yelled heading to the kitchen and we all followed him.

"Shots!" I yelled once we were in the kitchen.

We looked through the different bottles of alcohol and decided to do shots of flavoured vodka, it was mainly decided by me and Megan. We got out shot glasses and each took two shots. The vodka slightly burned going down but wasn't too bad.

"You guys need to be ready to start playing when people start showing up," Megan said pointing at the guys.

Since people weren't here yet I got Michael's iPad and connected it to a speaker to play music while the guys aren't playing. I mean they couldn't exactly play all night anyway. Soon after people started showing up and an hour later the house was full of people.

I walked into our now crowded kitchen to get a drink. I got a cup and made a vodka coke. I saw Michael and Luke talking to each other in the corner of the kitchen and walked over to them.

"You guys should start playing now, everyone's here now," I said taking a sip from my drink.

"Do you want us to play our songs or cover songs?" Michael asked.

"Play what you want, it doesn't really matter," I said shrugging before pushing them into the sitting room. Calum and Ashton happened to already be in there so thankfully I didn't have to track them down. 

After a minute or two of them talking to each other about which songs they'll play they got their instruments and got ready to start playing. The music that was playing from Michael's iPad was turned off, which caused some annoyed groans and a few complaints.

"Hi, I'm Luke and we're Five Seconds of Summer," Luke said into the mic. I let out a loud cheer that caused Luke to look at me and smile, which caused my cheeks to heat up and feel like they were burning.

I mentally told myself to stop. He was my brother's best friend, him smiling shouldn't be making me blush.

Luke started to sing "Woah oh woah ohhh, woah oh here's to teenage memories woah oh woah ohhh, woah oh here's to teenage..."

By the time their first song was over I had finished my drink. I walked back to the kitchen, shoving and slipping through the crowd of people. Most people had gathered in the sitting room to listen the band play. I met Megan in the kitchen, she was talking to a girl I didn't recognise. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair that was naturally curly and brown eyes.

"Thea! I made a new friend!" Megan yelled while slurring her words slightly.

"Hey," I said to the girl Megan was talking to.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte but everyone just calls me Charlie," she said smiling at me.

"Yay now everyone knows each other," Megan said pulling me and Charlie into a hug.

I remembered that I came into the kitchen to get a drink, so I went over to the counter and took another shot of flavoured vodka before making another vodka coke with extra vodka.

"How come I've never seen you around before?" I asked Charlie.

"I don't go to your school, I'm here with a friend," she said taking a sip of her drink "That band is really good," she added after a few seconds.

"My brother is the one on guitar with the red hair," I said, I looked through the doors into the sitting room and could just about see them. They were playing Good Girls are Bad Girls.

"Oh cool..." Charlie said staring in at them playing "Who's the lead singer?"

"That's Luke and he's single," Megan said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Really? Maybe I can add another guy to my list of hook ups" Charlie said smirking while looking at Luke through the crowd. I brought my cup up to my lips and knocked back practically half of my drink.

"Sorry but I don't think he hooks up with randoms." I said taking a sip of my drink, I was slowly feeling the effect of all the alcohol.

"Thea shut up," Megan said to me .

"What? I'm just saying he probably won't hook up with some random girl who he doesn't know and none of his friends know," I shrugged.

"That's okay, I like a challenge," Charlie said. I gave a fake smile and desperately tried not to roll my eyes.

"I think I need another drink," I said.

author's note
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