Chapter Eleven

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"Mom! Dad!" I gave them a hug as they walked in the door.

"Hi honey," Mom said when I pulled away "Hello Michael." she added coldly.

"Great to see you too," Michael said before leaving to go up to his bedroom.

"How's school? Still getting straight A's?" Dad asked.

"Of course..." truthfully I was getting straight A's in most subjects, just not in Biology or English but in my defence my Biology teacher hates me and has marked down my tests and "lost" half my assignments. English on the other hand, I'm just bad at. Why do we even need to learn about Shakespeare? It doesn't make sense anyway.

"I want to see all your tests from this month and last month," Dad said and I nodded.

"Sure, I'll go get them."

I went upstairs to my bedroom and rooted through my bag, taking out any tests I could find.

"He wants to see your tests again?" Michael asked standing at my door.

"Yeah," I sighed standing up.

"You know you could just drop out when you turn seventeen, only have a few months," Michael said shrugging.

"They'd kill me if I dropped out, why did you have to drop out?" I said frowning.

"Because of my band, speaking of we have a gig tonight. You coming?"

"It's a school night, I can't."

"I can sneak you out."

"What time is it?"



I walked back downstairs and handed the tests to my dad. He sat down on the couch and started looking through all my tests.

"What's this?" he asked frowning, I looked over his shoulder at the test in his hand. It was one of my biology tests that I got a C on.

How did I forget to leave that in my bag?

"That's just one test," I said hoping he wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

"You said you were getting straight A's," he said frowning.

"Well I'm basically getting straight A's,"

"Basically is not the same as getting straight A's, first it's a C, next you'll be failing the class and then you'll drop out like your brother. I think you have too many distractions, give me your phone." he said holding out his hand.

"What? That's not fair! Mom, tell him he can't do that!" I said looking over at my mom with wide eyes.

"I think he has a point, you'll get your phone back when you get an A in that class," Mom said giving me a soft smile.


"Phone. Now."

"Fine," I took my phone out of my back pocket and handed it to him before walking back upstairs.

I walked into Michael's room and sat down on his bed.

"Oh hello," Michael said looking up at me from his desk chair where he was playing guitar.

"Dad took my phone away because I got a C," I said rolling my eyes.

"Just use one of your old phones."

"I can't I gave my old one to Megan and my old old one got smashed," I sighed.

"Here, use this," Michael opened one of his desk drawers and threw a phone on the bed beside me "It's my secret phone from when mom and dad used to take mine away from me as a punishment before I turned eighteen."

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