Chapter Twenty Eight

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"You know there's still a few hours left of your birthday," I said walking up to Luke putting my arms around his neck and looking into his eyes "I think I know how we can spend time."

"I think I do too," Luke smirked resting his hands on my hips, leaning in and closing the gap. I kissed him back and pulled him as close to me as physically possible. The kiss was heated and passionate. I started moving my kisses away from his mouth and to his jaw and finally down to his neck. I started sucking and biting on his neck lightly, a small moan left his mouth making me smile and continue giving him several small hickeys on his neck.

Eventually I moved my lips back to his, he bit my bottom lip lightly and I opened my mouth to allow him more access. Pulled away slightly and told me to jump, I did as be said and jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist while his hands moved to support me. Our lips met again and he moved so my back was up against a wall.

"Bedroom?" I whispered breathless and he nodded. He carried me into the bedroom and set me down on the bed. My hands moved to the hem of his shirt, I looked up at him as if asking for permission and he nodded before I lifted his shirt up over his head. My hands moved to my own shirt and quickly took it off before pulling Luke down onto the bed.

We moved to find a more comfortable position. Luke was on top with his arms on either side of me propping him up. I moved my hands to his hair pulling on it slightly. He moved his lips down to my neck and started nibbling on the skin. A moan left my mouth and I bit my lip. His mouth moved down lower to the top of my breast, giving me another hickey. I awkwardly took my bra off and our lips connected again. My hands moved to his belt and unbuckled it before undoing the button and zip of his jeans. He moved off me to take off his jeans and I took the opportunity to take my own jeans off.

I switched positions so I was on top of Luke this time. I sat on his lap and his hands moved to my ass as I leaned down to kiss him again. I could feel his bulge underneath me making smirk into the kiss. I pulled away and Luke frowned at me before I leaned over and grabbed an condom from his drawer. I looked back at his holding it up raising my eyebrow and he nodded to me smiling. I moved off him to between his legs and pulled down his boxers and opened the condom.

author's note
And that's all I'm comfortable writing rn. Sorry it's really short, I would have included it in the last chapter but I felt weird writing that in the same chapter that Luke's family is in. It would have literally gone from them just talking to Liz to this.
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