Chapter Five

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*Lukes POV*

We finished up playing after just over an hour and put back on a playlist. We put away our instruments to stop them from getting broken and then joined in on the party. I went to the kitchen to get beers for us and met Thea and Megan there.

"Luke! this is Charlie," Megan said motioning at a girl.

"Hi," I said glancing at the girl "Hey Thea,"

"Hi, you guys were so good," Thea said with her face lighting up with her cute smile. I noticed she was slurring a little.

"Thanks," I said and pulled her in for a side hug with my free hand while my other hand is holding bottles of beer.

"I also thought you were really good," the Charlie girl said biting her lip.

"Cool, I should get back to the guys," I said before walking back to Michael, Calum and Ashton.

We continued partying and drinking until three in the morning when most people had either gone home or passed out. Calum and Michael passed out at around two shortly after having a contest to see who could drink the most beer in five minutes, Calum won and then passed out. Ashton passed out five minutes ago. I got up off the couch and walked around to try and find someone else that I knew. I found Thea sitting in the bathtub singing One Direction songs. I took out my phone and took a video of her singing, or well attempting to sing.

"Having fun?" I asked walking into the bathroom.

"Lots," she slurred and gave me a smile "Want to hear me sing the instrumental part of the song?"

"I think you should get to bed," I said laughing.

"Don't laugh at me," she said pouting.

"Come on," I said and helped her up out of the bath.

"I don't want to walk," she said going to get back into the bath.

"Oh no you don't" I said and lifted her up ans over my shoulder.

"If I puke on you it's your own fault," I heard her mumble.

I walked to her bedroom door and quickly realised her door is locked.

"Where's the key?" I asked.

"I can't remember...oh wait, I do....I think it's ontop of the door," she slurred.

I found the key and unlocked her door. I placed her down on her bed.

"I don't want to sleep," she said sitting up "Stay and talk with me."

"Okay," I sat down beside her on the bed.

"I like your hair," she ran her hand through my hair, messing it up and let out a giggle. This girl will be the death of me.

"I like yours too," I said and smiled at her.

She rested her head on my shoulder and we stayed like that for a few minutes before she looked back up at me. She started leaning in and placed her lips on mine. For a few moments I forgot the situation and kissed her back but as she tried to deepen the kiss, I remembered and pulled away.

"You're too drunk," I said and she pouted.

"Just say you don't like me," she said and moved away from me.

"Thea-" I started trying to tell her that that wasn't true.

"Just go," she said interupting me.

"I'm not leaving you here drunk on your own when there's still people here."

"I'm not that dru-" she slowly passed out mid sentence.

I locked her bedroom door and sat down on her desk chair before eventually falling asleep. My back was going to hurt like a bitch in the morning.

author's note
♡ Don't forget to vote ♡
My pet passed away today so the next chapter mightn't be out for a few days

piercings and cigarettes | luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now