Chapter Twenty Six

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"Well she moved onto new friends quick," Megan said as she closed her locker, her eyes followed Charlie as she was walking towards us with a group of three other girls, who were also in our year.

"Hi Megan," Charlie said giving her a smile small before glaring at me.

"Keep fucking walking," I said with a fake smile plastered on my face and she quickly walked past us, muttering something to her new friends.

"I regret ever talking to that girl at the party," Megan sighed putting her bag on her back.

"I never liked her," I said my eyes focused on Charlie who was now at the end of the corridor about to turn around the corner. I wonder if she tried twisting the story of what happened at the party. She probably did considering I had a few girls come up to me and call me a bitch during the week after the party.

"That was because you were jealous because she's obsessed with your boyfriend," Megan said putting her arm around my shoulder.

"And I had every right to be jealous, she kept talking about wanting to hook up with my boyfriend. I mean I wasn't jealous of her, she had no chance with him but it's annoying hearing someone constantly talk about your boyfriend like that."

"Can't relate," Megan said and we started walking to our class.

"It's so hard to avoid someone when they're in all your classes," I whispered, Charlie was leaning against the wall outside the Geography classroom. She had her head stuck in her phone, typing away. Her new friends had gone off to their own classes.

"Did you do the homework?" Megan asked looking through her journal.

"Yeah, I think so. Did you?" I asked as I stepped aside to let our teacher open the classroom door.

"I did actually, for once," Megan said holding up her open copybook.

"It's a miracle," our teacher said looking back at us shaking his head making us both start laughing. We sat down at the back of the classroom, we stopped laughing but when we caught a glance at each other we started laughing again.

"Why are we even still laughing?" I asked trying to breathe.

"I don't even know," Megan said calming down.

"Girls settle down, we're going to start correcting the homework."

When Geography was over Megan was still huffing about getting all the homework questions wrong.

"I should have at least gotten one question right," Megan said reading over her homework for the tenth time.

"Did you use the book?" I asked raising an eyebrow.


"You've never gotten higher than a C on a test and you thought you didn't need the book?" I asked shaking my head.


I got off the bus and walked the short distance down the driveway. I opened the door and walked inside to see a pile of flat cardboard boxes on the floor. I stuck my head into the sitting room and saw Michael sitting on the floor putting together one of the cardboard boxes.

"Need help?" I asked walking inside, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Yes, it's harder than it looks," Michael said setting the box down beside him.

"These for all your stuff when you move out?" I asked bringing the rest of them into the sitting room, from the hall.

"Yeah, I'm moving out on Saturday."

"Do you have to go?" I asked sitting down to put together a box.

"I'm twenty next month and I can't live at home forever," Michael said moving on to another box.

"Can you take me with you?" I asked giving him 'puppy dog eyes'.

"There's barely enough room for one person to live in the apartment," Michael said sighing.

"Worth a shot," I shrugged.

After all the boxes were put together we brought some up to Michael's room. He started putting stuff into a keep and get rid of pile.

"Can we make a donate to Thea pile?" I asked watching him put clothes into the 'get rid of' pile.

"You can go through everything I don't want when we're done," Michael said and I gave him a smile.

"I'll just put all these in a box," I said grabbing the things he doesn't want.

"How did mam and dad react to you telling them you're moving out?" I asked helping him empty his wardrobe.

"I've never seen them so happy in years."

"I'm so sick of their bullshit, you're lucky you can leave," I said moving a box that was now full outside into the hall.

"Just don't forget to take advantage of their money while you can," Michael chuckled.

"I'll get you a months rent off them," I joked putting his things into boxes.

"I don't object to that," Michael said looking over at me.

author's note
Sorry that my chapters have been really short, I've just been tired from school and have had to start writing the chapters the day they're meant to be posted.
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