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"I couldn't wait, so I packed both of our things," he explained sheepishly.

Eren smiled a rare smile, picked up his bag, and started to lead the way.


"Yeah?" he said, to show that he was paying attention.

"Do you think that your old friends will be in the military?" asked Nolan, timidly.

The question temporarily caught Eren off guard.

"If they are, I don't care," he said, regaining his cold demeanor. "And they're not my friends. Not anymore," he added the last part softly, yet Nolan still heard it.

They walked the rest of the way in silence. When they reached the headquarters of the military, they both walked up to the signing and gave their names, and ages. Then when Eren had told the officer about his ability, he had commented that it would be useful.

Eren and Nolan walked to a room with 6 beds, and plopped their bags down on the two beds that didn't have anything on them. There was a small table next to every bed, and one closet and a bathroom conjoining.

Nolan couldn't stop smiling the entire time, and even Eren looked happy. They walked to the cafeteria, and suddenly Eren's happiness was replaced by anger, and hatred. He saw blue eyes connect with his, and widen.

"Eren?" whispered Armin.

That caught the attention of the other people in the cafeteria, who were all unfortunately, his ex-friends and squad members.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" Eren lied. He really didn't want to face them.

"It's me, Armin," Armin whispered.

251 words

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