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The others paused what they were doing and stared first at Armin, then at Eren. Eren gave a small smile, and walked over to their table with Nolan trailing behind them.

"Do you mind if we sit here?" asked Eren, politely.

Mikasa was the first one to break out of her stupor. "Not at all."

The two sat down, Nolan started eating as Eren and Armin started chattering again, not paying heed to the many pairs of eyes staring at them fondly. Sasha offered half of her potato to Eren, and he graciously accepted. Nolan smiled. It was good that Eren was letting his kinder side out more. After dinner, Eren decided to show Armin his drawings. As Armin flipped through his sketchbook looking impressed, Eren couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic as he remembered how they used to do this back in Shiganshina. People always said that Eren was an idiot, while he was actually really smart, and cunning. He just chose not to show it unlike Armin, whose best feature was his brain.

"These are really pretty," said Armin, breaking Eren out of his thoughts.


The bell rang again, and the two boys quickly rushed to the bathroom before the others arrived. By the time Jean and Connie had come in, Eren was dreaming of killing titans, and Armin was dreaming about the ocean. 

225 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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