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Once Eren was a good distance away, he let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"You know you're going to have to talk to them sooner or later," said Nolan.

"I'll take later rather than sooner," was Eren's reply.

His tone suggested that they were done with this conversation, so Nolan dropped it. A bell rang, telling them it was time for break. Eren headed to the boy's room, and flopped down on the bed. He sighed and then got up, grabbed his sketchbook and a pencil, and started mindlessly drawing. When he finished he realized, he had drawn Levi. Eren's eyes welled up in tears, as he remembered confessing his love to the Corporal in their past life. He blinked the tears back, ripped out the page, and threw it away. He decided to read a book about supernaturals. He was currently on the chapter about vampires when the door opened, and Levi entered. Eren and Levi's eyes met for a moment, before Eren closed his book, and walked out of the room. He didn't even acknowledge Levi. Hurt flashed in Levi's eyes, and Eren almost scoffed. 'He doesn't care about me.' he thought, trying to calm his racing heart. Even after everything, he still loved Levi, not that he would admit it, and it drove Eren crazy.

Eren decided to go for a walk. He walked around the barracks ten times, but his mind still hadn't cleared. He spotted Armin sitting under a tree reading "Oceans and Sea Life". Eren decided to go talk to Armin. 'What was the harm in it?' he thought. He cautiously approached Armin, and cleared his throat. Armin looked up in surprise.

"Hey," greeted Eren, awkwardly.

"Hi," replied Armin, shyly.

"So what book are you reading?" asked Eren, attempting to make small talk.

Armin held up his book so Eren could see the cover.

"Oh, I've read that book. It's good."

Armin's face lit up. "Really?"

"Yeah," Eren grinned for the first time in his life.

He sat down next to Armin, and the two started chatting for god knows how long about various topics. When it was time for dinner, Eren and Nolan grabbed their food. Just as they were about to go sit down, Armin waved to them.

374 words

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