Hear Me Out..

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Cha'Nale stomped off towards me, standing in front of me. "Hey?" I said like I didn't give a shit. Cha'Nale raised an eyebrow at me, placing a hand on her hip. "That's alright.." She trailed off. She grabbed a hand full of my hair punching nonstop in my face. When I tried to hit back I couldn't get a good hit in because she had jerked my head back so I could barely punch her in her face correctly.

"Get the hell off me!" I shout, grabbing onto her clothes trying to get her off me or pull her down. Nothing didn't work.. "Oh damn she getting beat.." I heard Princeton said, slowly slipping back from us. why wasn't Brianna helping me?!

Only one thing I thought that could make me win. Instead of fighting back I fall backwards, making Cha'Nale come down with me. I grab onto her hair, punching her in her face. Maybe if I mess up her face Princeton wont like her and come to me!

"What the fuck you think you doing?! Jacob hold these!" I heard Brinna's voice before footsteps quickly approached us. Brianna yanked me back from my hair, before helping Cha'Nale up. "What the hell is your problem?!" Brianna asked me.

I look at Brianna breathing hard, frowning. "Shouldn't you have been helping me?!" I shout at her, pointing at myself. "What? NO! Hell it's your fault in the first place! This wouldn't have happened if you weren't kissing Princeton! Like who do you think you are? You know they're dating!" Brianna yells at me.

Brianna shakes her head, grabbing Cha'Nale, walking off with her. "And you!" She points her finger up in Princeton's face. Brianna shakes her. "Wait.. Let me explain!" Princeton walks after them. I sigh, tapping lightly on my lip.. I was bleeding badly.. I sigh again walking into the bathroom to clean myself up.

*End Of POV*

I sat at the table with Cha'Nale who looked angry, mad, and hurt.. Princeton came from behind walking up to Cha'Nale. "Cha'Nale can I talk to you.." Prince whispers, placing is hands gently onto Cha'Nale's shoulders.

I look back at him sending him a glare. Cha'Nale stayed quiet for a while looking at me before at Princeton. She slowly gets up. "Make it quick" Cha'Nale deadpans, letting Princeton lead the way.

"What was that about?" Roc asked. "Well me and Cha'Nale went to the bathroom and seen Princeton and Destiny down the hall smooching up a damn storm" I roll my eyes, shaking my head. I knew I shouldn't have brung that girl.. I knew I shouldn't have..

*Cha'Nale's POV*

I glared at Princeton's back as we leave out the restaurant. He stepped outside holding the door for me until I walked out before he walked over to a pole, puffing out his cheeks shoving his hands into his coat pockets.

He then looks at me, bouncing slightly. I guess it was kind of chilly out here.. "Listen about earlier... I'm not cheating on you-" I crossed my arms, putting on an 'Oh really?' face. "I'm serious! All right see I went to the bathroom, I had to do my business in there and when I came out Destiny just happened to be coming out the girls bathroom too" Princeton begins.

"So, you could smell my fumes coming out the bathroom so I told her that it was someone else blowing up the bathroom, while I was talking SHE came on to ME and KISSED ME!" Princeton's points to himself, tryig to get his point across.

"I pushed her off without hesitating at all and then that's when you and Brianna walked upon the scene.. I swear i'm not cheating on you Cha'Nale.. Please forgive me.. I don't want this to ruin our relationship because of her.." Princeton finishes.

I stayed quiet for a while looking at him. I looked down at the ground, kicking it before looking back up at him. "Ok.. I believe you.. But Jacob if I see you that close to a girl again-" Princeton had cut me off.

"I know I know.. You'll beat my ass next right?" Princeton smirks, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me into him. "And no girl ain't getting this close to me... Trust me" Princeton had leaned in closer to me, kissing me passionately on the lips and we stayed like this for a long while until Brianna interrupted us ugh

"Um excuse you two but y'all food is here and everybody else already done! We gon' leave y'all behind if you tryna get us smoochi smoochi out here!" Brianna says, leaning on the door. I roll my eyes at her smiling.

"We coming" I tell her. She raised an eyebrow at me, placing her hand on her hips. "We coming!" I giggle, rolling my eyes again smiling. "Mhm y'all better be. And don't be taking it no further than that! Then you end up having babies and they gon' ask me Auntie where I come from? And Ima sho' nuff tell them  you daddy and momma made you outside!" Brianna joked, walking back into the restaurant laughing.

Me and Princeton laughed at her shaking our heads. "That girl is something else..." Princeton said. "Yes she is.." I agreed, walking hand in hand with Princeton back into the restaurant.


YES! I DID UPDATE! Three stories back to back, each day. I'm on a roll guys!! *-* Lol anyways yeeeah! Hope you're satisfied with this chapter nerdy_chik ;)

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