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We knocked on the door, waiting for Danny to answer. A few moments later, he opened the door. "Hey man wassup!" Danny grinned a him and Bradley does their lil hand dap. Bradley sighed. "Nothing much.."

Danny looked at me with sorrow eyes. "Bri i'm so sorry about yesterday.. I fixed him up perfectly" He says. "Yeah..." I trailed off. 'Ha yeah right! That lil nigga is just gonna beat even more of the shit outta me' I thought.

 "So where's Daniel?" Bradley asked, walking in. I followed behind him and sat on the couch with him. Danny shut the door, sitting on the couch with us. "Upstairs in his room. I made sure I beat him until I saw gushes of blood coming out. I'll call him down so he can apologize to you" Danny said, looking at me. I nodded, looking down.

"DANIEL COME DOWN HERE!" Danny's loud voiced boomed throughout the house. Daniel came downstairs looking mad as hell. "What?" Daniel growled at him. "We want you to apologize to Bri now!" Danny says, giving Daniel back the same attitude he gave him.

Daniel sighed deeply, looking at me. "I'm sorry I beat you yesterday" Daniel apologized half hearted. "Boy if you don't apologize the right way I will beat you half to death" Danny threatened. Daniel frowned. "I'm really sorry I beat you yesterday. I let my anger get the best of me and it happened by accident. Will you forgive me and accept my apology?" He asked, practically not caring if I did or didn't.

"Yes I forgive you and I accept your apology" I replied, giving him a soft smile. Daniel shot me an evil glare. "Thanks" He said sarcastically rolling his eyes, walking away. Before he could go upstairs Danny stopped him. "Oh no you ain't! You gonna stay down here and tell me why you were hitting her in the first place!" Danny demanded.

Daniel turned around facing us, the look of fear was written on his face. He sighed, going to tell the truth. "Because I-" I cut him off. "Because he said I.. Couldn't be with anyone else so I kicked him in his balls really hard.. He got mad and went to beating me..." I trailed off, looking down.

"Is this true Daniel?" Danny asked. Daniel looked at me shocked that I stood up for him. He quickly replaced that look with his normal attitude. "Well.. Uh.. Yes but I didn't mean to hurt her I swear!"

"Alright but just keep your damn hands off her got it?" Bradley asked. "Yes I understand" Daniel stated. "Good" Bradley replied. "Soo how's Jamie?" I asked, changing the awkward subject. "She's doing good now. She's taking a nap" Danny informed.

"Oh that's good to hear. So what are doing today?" I asked. "As usual me and Danny gotta go to work-" Danny but Bradley off. "Wait! But i'm afraid to leave you here with Daniel.." Danny trailed off looking between me and Daniel.

"Don't worry guys it's ok. We will I promise. Right Daniel?" I asked, looking over at him smiling. "Right.." He trailed off. What's up with everyone trailing off...?

"Ok now i'm trusting y'all okay?" Bradley said. "Yeah we'll be back at nine something" Danny says. "Oh yeah, Bri leaving out at eight so Daniel. We're gonna need to to watch your sister" Bradley says like he's the dang boy's brother. "Yeah I know. I always have" Daniel scoffed.

"Alrighty, well we gotta get going" Bradley says. "Yep so we will see you later annd.. Bye bye!" Danny says all goofy, smiling. Bradley laughed. "Ok y'all bye see y'all later!!" Bradley says, leaving out the door with Danny.

There was an awkward silence between me and Daniel until he said something. "Um thanks a lot for taking up for me back there Bri.." Danny thanked me. "No problem.." I replied. He cleared his throat rubbing the top of his thighs up and down. "Um well.. I'm just gonna go do what I do so bye" Daniel says going upstairs to his room.  "Bye..."


I sighed. "Wow.. Just wow" I laughed, heartless. "What is it?" Ray asked. "Bri keeps ditching me and.." I sighed again rubbing the bridge off my nose, trying to calm down. "Well call her and put her on speaker" Ray suggested. "Don't you think that's what i've been doing man?" I asked.

Lies And Drama {A Mindless Behavior Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now