Pregnancy Test

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[Hey guys! Erm.. I'm doing this on my iPad to see if it's actually deleting half of my story when I post it.. Like having some difficulties here.. So! I am also testing it out too! Once again this is another short intro..]

We all sat quietly, looking at each other. Janell then starts to cry out of no where. She covers her face, sobbing loudly. Ray got up, sitting next to her, rubbing her back. "Shh it's alright. We gonna get through this" Ray says soothingly. Janell shook her head.

"Why can't y'all just stay out of this?! This is our fight! You can't get around them or anything! They like fucking t secret agents!" Janell blurts out still sobbing. I felt bad for some reason. "Bri I think it's best for you to pack your things and stay with us" Roc says.

"If I do it will only cause more chaos-" Roc cut me off. "It will only cause more chaos if you stay with your brother! I'm sure he knows where your brother house is!" Roc yells which made me flinch.

"But you heard him he knows where you live-"

"He's lying! For all we know he's just some lonely nigga tryna scare somebody! And it ain't working!" Roc says. I shake my head. My hands were in my lap and my legs were shaking. I felt like. Y head was gonna pop off. Why are they being so persistent? In denial? Just why?!

"Listen Bri. I can't see you hurt. I love you-" that was it. For some reason I went off. "YOU JUST FUCKING MET ME ROC!" I hell crying. Everyone was now looking at me but I still went on.

"And don't even say shit that we've known each other since we were little and we were best friends! A best friend wouldn't do crazy shit to their best friend!" I yell even more, crying into my hands.

"Babe.." I heard Roc murmured. His voice cracked when he said that. I look up at him, covering my mouth, still crying. He look like he was about to cry his self. "Don't say that and don't worry alright? We're gonna be just fine, I promise. I'll keep you safe no matter what, ok?" Roc said.

I bit my bottom lip softly, shaking my head. "ROC WHY WON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! JUST LIKE JANELL SAID THEY'RE LIKE TOP SECRET AGENTS! YOU GUYS DON'T REALIZE WHAT YOU'RE GETTING YOURSELVES INTO!" I yell as loud as I could. Somebody needed to get them to understand right? They surely need to hear what I mean.

"Calm down Bri. Guys She's right. You don't know what you're getting yourselves in to.." Janell says, sniffing, rubbing my back. "Why are y'all underestimating us?" Ray asked. "Ray you'll get hurt or better yet youll get killed! Brittney got beat so bad she went into coma and when she woke up she almost died from a heart attack but she survived.. We don't want y'all going through that.." Janell states.

"LISTEN I DON'T FUCKING CARE!!! I'll do anything to keep my girls safe!" Roc says. He looked mad. His skin was red and his nostrils was flaring. "Roc I swear if anything happens to you.. I-I'll kill him" I say, hiccuping. I really will kill Daniel if he hurts Roc.

"Babe it's alright we got this. Nothing is-" I cut him off. "This is our problem. We can't just sit back and do nothing" I say. "yeah we'll fight also. Even if it kills us" Cha'Nale joined in. "Yep. Even though we don't want to find out and we didn't want y'all to get dragged it-"

"IT'S WAR NOW!!" Brittney yells, slam,ng her fist into the palm of her other hand. Prod sighs. "Alright well I don't care. I'm fighting for all us" Prod says, shrugging. I felt a smile tug on my lips. "Okay we'll lets enjoy the Rome we have together before I have to go" I say, plain as day.

"Brit come with me to my room. We need to talk" I heard Prod say. Brittney nodded following behind Prod to his room. I wonder what he wants to talk about.. "Roc ima be back. Ima go use the bathroom" I say, getting off the couch. "Alright! Be back! I wanna spend tie with my boo!" I heard roc shout as I walk to the bathroom. I smile, walking into the bathroom.

As I use the bathroom. My eyes San the different dcorations in here. I look into the small trash can under the counter and I see a box. And knowing me with my nosey self, I wanted to see what it was. After I finished, I flash the toilet, pulling up my undies and pants, picking up the box from the trash, reading it.

"A pregnancy test?" I mumbled quietly to myself. "Is one of the girls pregnant?" I asked myself, throwing the test back Ito the trash before washing and drying ,y hands, leaving out the bathroom.

[OoO who pregnant?! Can't tell! Haha! Well then.. This is a short closure... Case closed.. Not yet duh.]

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