A Brand New Day

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I woke up to my phone ringing loud as hell. I groan sitting up looking at the clock on the dresser. 11:07 A.M. "Who callin' me this time of morning?" I asked myself. I know it sounds crazy and you're probably like.. That's almost afternoon girl! But hey.. Listen na.. To me.. This is early to me.. Unless i wake up earlier than than that

I answered my phone. "Hello..? I say in a sleepily voice. "Oh thank you so much for picking up! I thought something happened to you-" I cut Roc off laughing. "Wow. Now you sound like my brother. It's only been one day babe" I gasped, covering my mouth.

I soo did not mean to say babe. I heard him laugh. "I know gosh! You cut me off. I was just playing with you. I was gonna say why did you not return my calls?" He asked. You could tell by the tone of his voice he was suspicious. "I thought you needed time. It''s was my brother's plan. He said guys need time" I told him.

Roc scoffed. So you would want me not to talk to you for a week cuz' i need time?" He asked. I knew where he was getting at. "No i'm not saying that boo. Listen i gotta do something. I'll call you back okay" I stated.

"Okay, Love youuu" He stretched out 'You' which i laughed at. "Love you too byee" I blew a kiss through the phone before hanging up. I did my morning routine getting dress and I ran downstairs. I was gonna cook some breakfast until I saw a note on the fridge.

                                I went to work. Go over to Danny's house. Breakfast is ready for you over there.

                                                                             Bradley <3

'Great I can't even watch myself' I thought. I left out the door, traveling to Danny's house. About 30 minutes later I got there. I got out my car, locking it before walking to their door. I did a special knock waiting for them to answer. "Wassup lil' Bri!" Danny opened the door letting me in.

"Nun. You don't gotta work?" I asked, walking in. He shut the door. "Nah, not right now. I got at 12:15 but breakfast is ready" He stated. I nodded, looking around. "Where is everybody?" I asked, not finding anyone around but Me and Danny.

"Jamie has a fever and Daniel is still sleep" He informed. "Oh.." I trailed off, sitting at the table eating. "Did you cook this?" I asked, gobbling down my food. "Yep! I sure did" He replied. I finished, sighing in satisfaction.

"So um... Are you in a relationship?..." I asked. I just wanted to know that was all.. I wasn't trying to get with him ya' know.. He looked down when i said that. "I was but i found her with another guy.." He trailed off. "Oh i'm sorry for bringing that up.." I felt awkward now.  "It's okay" He replied.

"Dude! Man I just!.. Oh hey Bri.." Daniel greeted me, smiling. My heart raced fast as I swung my head around to him. "H-Hey.. How come you're not in school...?" I asked,  nervously. "Home schooled. Why aren't you in school?" He asked.

"School is over for me" I stated, as simple as that. "Well.. While y'all talk i'ma go get ready" Danny says leaving us alone. I frowned glaring at Daniel. "Okay. What do you want?" I growled at him. "You" He replied grinning.

I smacked my teeth. "Well I don't want you" I told him. "Why not? What's wrong with me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Nothing. What if I told you I've moved on. Then would you understand?" I look, down knowing he was probably glaring deep in my soul wanting to take it from me.

"What do you mean?! You're suppose to be with ME!!!" He yelled but not to loud to the point Danny came running down the stairs.. But guess what.. Danny came running down the stairs. "Ooh gotta go, gotta go. Brianna can you take care of Jamie please?!" Danny asked rushing.

"Um.. Uh.. Yeah of course" I said. 'AHH WHY DID I SAY THAT?!'  "Thank you so much Bri. Okay so her medicine is on the dresser right by her. She just took some. She has to take it twice a day so give her some at 2:00 P.M okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah i got it.." I murmured. "Okay bye. Daniel don't do anything stupid alright?" Danny says. Daniel rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah whatever" He mumbled. "I'm serious. I'm warning you. If you hurt Bri you're gonna get. Oh and Bri can you make sure Daniel does his work and Jamie washes up?" He asked.

I smiled pushing him to the front door. "Yes and yes now go to work before you be late" Danny giggled nodding. "Alright, alright. sorry I just wanna make sure you got everything in place" He says before kissing me on my forehead, hugging me, before leaving out the door. I closed the door about to sit down on the couch.

Danny walked back in and gave me a 'Serious Bri?' look. "Wow you didn't lock the door BRIANNA!" He said my name with such... Emotion in it. I giggled awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. "Sorry i was going to.. I forgot.. Why aren't you at work?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh i wanted to tell you-" I cut him off, shooting him an evil glare. "Go Danny!" I yell. "Alright!" He squealed walking out the door. I locked it this time, before walking back over to the couch. "Bye Daniel. You got work to do" I say pointing up stairs.

He frowned, glaring at me. "Don't get to comfortable because i'll beat you again" He growled before walking up stairs. I sighed. "This is gonna be one hell of a day" I mumbled, falling back on the couch.

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