Visiting Parents?!

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OK so Bradley had picked me up from Danny's and was taking somewhere. He said it was a "surprise". Knowing me I hate being surprised so I asked him until he gave up and told me. "See why I don't tell you if I have a surprise for you? You get impatient and act like a little kid!" Bradly complains.

"Well you said it was a surprise! If you didn't, I wouldn't probably act such like a child then, right?" I retort. He rolls his eyes at me. "We're going to see mom and dad. Happy?" Asked Bradley. My heart just skipped a beat. I was going to see my parents?.. How long has it been? Like a month now?.. "Don't worry Bri. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to see you" Bradley says. I give him a half smile. "Right.." I murmured.

{(At Parent's House)}

I take in a deep breath as me and Bradley were standing at the door step. "I'll go first okay?" Bradley utters, looking down at me. I nod quickly. He knocks on the door and I could feel my heart beat faster. "Who is it?!" My mother's loud voice asked. "It's me" Bradley answered. Footsteps quickly approached the door. Next thing you know the door swing open, revealing my mom in a nice red dress with a black belt wrapped around her waist.

My mother smiles widely. "Oh my god! My babies!" My mother squeals hugging Bradley. Bradley chuckles, patting her on her back. Once she let go of him, she looked towards me. She stood there for a couple of seconds. I didn't know if I was going to be rejected or accepted...

"Come here girl" She says smiling, putting her arms out towards me. I let out an quiet laugh in relief that I wasn't rejected. Walking into my mother's arms. She hugs me tight, rubbing my back. "I miss you soo much Brianna" She mumbled into my ear.

"Me too.." I said. She lets go of the hug, grabbing me and Bradley's hand. She quickly takes us into the living room. "Honey! Look who's here!" Mother's says happily. As we enter the living I could see my father in clear sight. He was sitting on the couch watching a football game.

He smiles when he sees Bradley. I also smile too when his eyes lands on me. He gives me an disgusted look. My smiles quickly fades. "Why is that trash even here?" My father asked in in a pity tone. "Brent!" My mother hisses at my father. (Okay, I don't know if in previous chapters if her father's name is said different. I don't think I ever put his name so.. If so you better correct me!) 

"What? I sent her ass off for a reason!-"

"Stop right there Brent!-"

"Woman who the hell you think you're talking too?!" My mother quickly gets quiet as my father raises his voice and stands up. I open my mouth to say something but nothing seems to come out. My dad looks towards me, glaring and frowning at me.

"You got something to say?!" My father asked in a harsh tone. "I-I.." I couldn't get it out. "Talk child!" My father yelled. "I just..." Still couldn't say it.. Wow.. "See? She can't even talk now. Maybe if I give her a beaten that'll maybe make that smart mouth of her's talk!" My father threaten.

"Brent leave her alone!" My mother yells at him. My father ignored her walking towards me. Oh no... He raises his fist at me, getting ready to hit me and I flinch. Before I could feel his strong hands across my face, it didn't come. When I looked up, Bradley was standing in front of me,

"Boy, what is you doin'?" My father asked as if Bradley was just suppose to stay out his way. "We only came to visit you guys. Not for you to put your hands on her" Bradley says. "You better sit your young self down before I put you in the hospital boy!" my father yells at Bradley.

"JJ wouldn't like that wouldn't he?" Bradley asked in a threaten yet quite low tone. My father stayed quiet for a while. I was highly interested in who this "JJ'' person is. He must be someone important for his name to shut my dad's mouth up for once.

My dad sighs deeply through his noise, yet in an angry way. He sits back on the couch. My mother looks at the both of them before at me. "I'm so sorry baby. He just isn't in a good mood" My mother murmured. "I WAS in a good mood before SHE showed up!" My father points his remote control at me. "And you!" My father points his remote control at Bradley, looking at him. "You and Brianna better count yo' blessings boy. Cuz' it's gonna run out real soon" My father finishes.

I frown. What does he mean?.. "Come on Bri" Bradley grabs my hand. "Bradley, Brianna! Wait!" My mother calls behind us but Bradley keeps dragging me, ignoring her. "B-Bradley!" 

"Get in the car!" Bradley raises his voice at me. I stop by the passengers door. Looking at my mother who was running in her heels behind us. "NOW BRIANNA!" Bradley yells. I jump scared by his tone of voice. Gosh he sounded like a devil! I take one last glance at my mother before getting into the car before Bradley's bi-polar self kills me.

Count your blessing cuz' they're goona run out real soon... What is he talking about?...



Who is this JJ person??

Brent (They're Father) Tells them to count their blessings. Hmm, you know what that means?

Only I have ALL the spoilers (Not technically) and future chapters! So only I (Not really) will know what will happen in the future chapters! ^~^ (True)

Not Edited.


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