Donovan #1

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Hello. This was a request made by lindasveganburgers. Thanks for requesting. 😁 onto the story.

You've been waiting in the waiting room of the hospital for hours, waiting for any news on your brother. Your boyfriend, Donovan sat next too you, caressing your hand, softly.

"He'll be fine. I should know he's the toughest guy I know. He knows he has to make it." Donovan reassured you. 

"But what if he doesn't. He was driving 20 kilometers over the speed limit and he was drunk, sort of. What if he doesn't." Donovan cut you off and kissed your lips, tenderly. 

"He'll be fine. Besides you have to worry about yourself and what were going to do when the baby comes. It's only a week away from your due date." Donovan explained, rubbing your enlarged stomach. 

"Yeah." You smiled, solemnly thinking of all you've been through to be here. Maybe the circumstance wasn't the best but you had the love of life and a baby on the way.

You and Donovan sat there for another forty minutes before the doctor came back out. 

"Your brother is in a stable, steady rythm for now. There was one complication during surgery." The doctor explained. 

"What kind of complications? Will he be able to make it through the night?" You rambled, wringing your hands, nervously. 

"He... Does your brother do drugs or anything of that sort?" He asked. 

"He did but he said he was clean. So, i don't know?" You answered, looking at Donovan.

"Was he... Did he have drugs in his system when the crash happened?" Donovan asked.

"Yes. He did. We aren't sure what kind of drugs. But there was and we had to drain him. We suggest you put him in rehab for a while until he is completely clean and drug free." He suggested.

"I guess we could..." You stopped, clutching your stomach. You writhed in pain. 

"Are you okay, m'am?" He asked. 

"Yeah, it's just braxton hicks." You said, as another one came on.

"Babe, you need to go into labor. Your water broke." Donovan said.

"It did. I didn't feel it." You screamed, almost falling to the floor. 

"Okay. We're going to put you in delivery room one, Mr. and Mrs. Leitch." He rushed you into the delivery room.

"Oh my god! It's Donovan!" One person screeched.

"Guys it's him!" another person screamed. 

Donovan and you ran into the room and you laid down on the table. 

"Good thing I decided to wear a dress." You laughed. 

"Okay, im not cleared to deliver babies so im going to get a obstetrician. I'll be back as fast I can." He rushed out and came  back. 

"Hi, how dilated is she? I'm Dr. Killian." Dr. Killian said. 

"She's 7 cm dilated." a nurse stated. 

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