Pete Townshend #1

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Hello. This was requested by Magiuneration. Thanks for requesting. Christmas themed one. I know it's past Christmas but I started writing this a couple days before Christmas


It's Christmas Eve and Maria is sitting in the living room making sure the presents were ready. She had an extra special present for her husband, Pete Townshend. Maria was going to give him a new pair of Doc Martens and matching baby-sized Doc Martens. She was going to announce she is pregnant.

"Okay. That's everything." Maria spoke to her self.

"Yeah, that better everything. we don't have or need anymore presents for anyone." Pete walked behind her and kissed her neck.

"I know. I'm just excited. It's Christmas tomorrow." She excitedly yelped.

"Yeah." Pete said.

"We should get to bed." Maria suggested.

"But it's only 7:45." Pete mentioned.

"But, I'm tired and want sleep." She complained.

"What if we watch Rudolph?" Pete teased.

"But... Oh fine." Maria huffed.

They both cuddled each other on the couch and watched Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer.

"I hate this part." Maria hid in Pete's shirt. 

"Why?" Pete asked.

"Because, just look at Rudolph. He has to decide of he stays an endangers his friends or runs away. All because the Abominable Snowman likes the glowing nose Rudolph has." Maria pauses. "That sounded, a little weird."

"You're so cute." Pete laughed, kissing her forehead.

"I know." Maria boasted.

They finished the movie and then snuggled into the bed, spooning each other.

~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~

Pete woke up before Maria did, so he decided to make breakfast for the two.

He rummaged the fridge and found eggs, cheese and some random potatoes. He started making eggs and shredded the potatoes for hash browns.

~~~Maria's POV~~~ 

She woke up to the smell of potatoes and eggs being cooked. She was content with how her life is going.

She slipped on her dressing gown and slippers.

"Hey." Maria wiped the sleep from her eyes. She raked her fingers to detangle her hair.

"You look radiant, love." Pete set down her plate.

Maria blushed and started to eat her delicious meal.

"Well, that was scrumptious." Maria took her plate and put it in the sink.

Since, your done. Can we open the gifts?" Pete begged, looking like a literally kid on Christmas.

"Yes, we can." Maria laughed.

Pete happily skipped over to the tree and sat down crisscross. Now definitely looking like a kid on Christmas.

"Okay, Petey. This is yours from Roger." She handed him the medium-sized box.

He ripped it open in seconds. "Oh! New guitar parts. So if I break my other ones, I have the parts."

"Now, here is mine from Jackie." Maria happily opened it. "It's that suede jacket I saw in the store window. She actually got it for me."

They all soon opened all there presents and the last one was for Pete.

"Now. Here's yours from mine." She smiled, handing him the bag.

"Hmm. Wonder what this is?" He started shaking the bag.

Maria wiggled in her spot, waiting the anxiety and happiness bubbling inside her.

He opened it agonizingly slow.

Maria soon got tired and helped him tear it. "It's a blimming bag. Open it." Maria happily yelled.

"Okay. Okay." He took out the shoes and looked at them. "Aww! Tiny little...." Pete came to the realization. "Are we.." Pete asked.

"Yes! Were pregnant." She jumped up from the floor and Pete bear-hugged her.

"I can't believe it. We're pregnant. When did you find out?" Pete asked, rubbing her stomach.

"I found out a week before today."

"Oh my god. I'm going to be a father." Pete smiled.

They stood there embracing each other, relishing this moment of happiness they had.



Hello. This took an excruciating long time to write. A lot has happened. I got sick a lot. But it's here. I hope this was great. I really like the ending. Very sorry for the long wait. I promise you it doesn't take me this long. Scouts honor. It seriously doesn't take this long. But  Magiuneration I hoped this was satisfactory. But that's all. ✌🏼

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