Chapter 5 Dueling

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I awake, just like the day before, in Emily's apartment.

But this time I'm in Emily's bed.

She isn't in the bed though.

i wish she was.

I really need to stop thinking like that

Ow . My head is pounding.

I get up and look in the bathroom connected to her bedroom.

She is in there.

She is showering, luckily (unluckily) Emily sprung for the non see through shower curtains.

Also she didn't hear me, or it didn't seem so anyway.

I just closed the door and climbed back under her comforter.


I open my eyes and see Emily getting dressed.

She has a towel around the bottom half of her body.

She grabs a bra from her top drawer and puts it on.



I look away when she turns in my direction.

I pretend im sleeping.

I suddenly feel a shake on my arm.

"Rise n' Shine , Sunshine." She says.

When i open my eyes i see she put on a shirt.

She still has a towel wrapped around her head from her wet hair.

"Goodmoring beautiful." The words just flowed out of my mouth. I had no control , I swear.

I could see her smiling , even when she turned away.

"Gonna go make some tea. " She said leaving.

When she left my head was still hurting. I couldn't remember half of last night.

I could remember these things :
• Me and Emily went to my grandparents house

• Me pulling away after being embarrassed of my grandmas cheek pinching.

•Chase helping my grandma with lunch.

Something felt wierd. Like I was forgetting something.

I grabbed my Laptop and immediately went on YouTube and checked if Tyler had any new videos up , he didn't sadly. But superwoman did. Yay.

I heard a knock on the front door and before I could get to it , Emily did.

It was Chase.

"Here to see if Valentine's okay."

Emily looked a little uneasy.

Chase saw me and tried to walk in but was stopped by Emily's hand.

"I didn't invite you in." Said Emily giving chase a stone hard look.

"Uhm .. sorry. May I come in?" He said correcting himself.

Emily looked at me and I have a slight nod. Why wouldn't I want to see chase? He was cute , had great taste in music and was always good to me.

"Whatever." Emily said a little pissed off.

Do you smell that?

I smell jealousy

Shut up. I told my inner self.

Jealousy wasn't it. Emily was just, never a morning person.

Emily handed me the green tea she made for me. Gave me a small smile then went to her room.

"Are you okay? You kinda passed out last night after drinking your grand dads holiday beer." He said looking worried.

So that's what happened. That's why my head was pounding. No wonder I couldn't remember anything.

It all made sense.

"So you help my grandparents?" I asked him

"Yea. Before we met though. Your family is awesome. Now I know where you get it from. " He said leaning in closer.

This felt oh so right. To be here with him.

I ship Vemily

Said my inner self always interrupting at the worst times.

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me in. He was about to kiss me when Emily walked in.

"Um.I.Uh..forgot my book." She picked up 'looking for Alaska' by John Green and practically ran out of the room.

"Is everything okay?" Asked Chase clearly confused.

"Um..everything's fine." I said fake smiling.

"Well , I wanted you to meet my mom. I see you like tea." He said pointing to my cup.

"So how about tea at noon?My place?" He added

"Sounds great." I said getting up to help him out.

I had 2 hours to get ready.

When Emily finally came out of her room I had foam swords out.

"I challenge you to dual." I said putting on my best accent.

She rolled up her sleeves and said
"Oh, your on"

After a few minutes, we were both hot and sweaty. I still had to go to Chase's house for tea with him and his mom.

"I'm gonna take a shower in like a half an hour. Chase invited me to tea at noon so I could meet his-" before I could finish Emily stormed out of the room.

I decide that I'll just shower in the other bathroom.

That was wierd.



AGAIN my inner self interrupts.

I finish showering and I knock before I enter Emily's room to get my clothes.

No one answers.

I knock again.

No answer.

Just go in!

I have my eyes closed when I open the door. I don't want things to be awkward.

I slowly open them.

No one is there.

I open the bathroom door and I see her standing there. There is blood everywhere.


Omg guys I did a double update.
*virtual high five*
I know this chapter was shorter than the last one but I wrote this one in like 2 hours and wrote chapter 4 in like 12 days. Anyway please vote and comment.

Bye hoodlums. 💕

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