Chapter 1 Duty calls

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"I blame YOU ! You no good piece of shit ! My mother was right about you. You are a terrible husband. "

My parents argue so much, over the
stupidest things too. Yesterday it was because my dad left the toilet seat up. Tonight though , tonight was different. Tonight they weren't fighting about the bills or about who put an empty box of cereal back in the cabinet. Tonight they were fighting about me.

Me getting in a fight with Kio . The evilest bitch in the school. She was a self - centered bastered who didn't know how to keep her mouth shut when it came to guys. Apparently she couldn't keep her legs shut either.

She left my bestfriend in tears after screwing her boyfriend. Not before feeding him lies of her cheating on him , of course.

"Well your moms dead. Seriously Maria , cut down on the cheese burgers I can barely understand you. " my dad fires back.

Ouch that one had to hurt. Mom had never gotten over the death of grandma. If she thinks about her too much , she'll start crying again. Dad knew mom was trying to cut down on a few pounds. She's tried multiple weight loss programs. None of them work.

I had to intervene

" Do you think that you guys could stop fighting for one fucking second and let me explain ?! "

" This is your fault. You got in a fight with a girl. FOR WHAT? Because she messed with your friend?!" my mom shouted at me.

I was used to being blamed for their problems. If they didn't blame it on each other they blamed it on the next available person , me. I guess it was kinda my fault that they were arguing right now. But I mean .. Kio deserved every punch she got.

" Atleast I didn't get pregnant at 15! " I said.

I looked up and saw my moms mouth slightly open.

My dad continued to stare at me.

I then stormed out of the house. As I'm waking out the front door I hear distant calls for me , shouting my name. I ignore them.

I walk to the Rita's water ice place just a block away. I show up in my tank top , sweatpants , and slippers.

I walk over to the counter and there is a new worker there. ( I would know. I go there almost everyday with some friends from school. ) He's tall with dark hair and Hazel brown eyes. He's laughing at the moment. He's smile is contagious. He walks over to me , still laughing and smiling.

" hi , may I take your order ?" Holy crap his voice is deep.

"Um- yea. I'll take the piña colada slushy please." I say squinting at the menu. I'm really blind without my glasses.

"piña colada slushy.." He mumbles under his breath as if thinking of what to do.

After he's done making my slushy he hands it to me and I glance at his name tag 'Chase'

"That will be 2.16$ please. " he says smiling.

I feel around where my pockets should be.

I then realize that I don't have any money. I ran out the house is sweats.

Then it hits me. I'm standing in front of this attractive male, and I'm in sweatpants and slippers. I feel awkward now.

" crap. I left my money at home. I'm sorry. I can run back home and get it. "

I instantly regret saying that. Because if he agrees then I'll have to see my parents way too soon.

" uhh" he says. Then he pauses and looks behind him. To make sure no one is around.

" on the house. " he finally whispers.

Did this attractive male just give me a free slushy? Okay. My day has just gotten a lot better.

"Thank you. Chase. " I say smiling

He looks at me confused so I point to his name tag and he nods.

" I'm Valery, short for Valentine. " I say.

" nice to meet you Valery. So you live around here ? " He says pointing to the nearby houses.

" Yeah , actually. Just a block away. "

" so I'm guessing you come here a lot ? It's my first day. " he says.

" uh huh. " I reply.

Then the manager, Alexis ,who is really pretty by the way, calls after Chase. He has to take out the trash.

" well, duty calls. Nice meeting you Valery. " he says.

" same here. " I say. " oh and thanks for the slushy. " I add.

" anytime " he says while waking to the trash can.
How did you guys like my first chapter of " walking home " ? I know it was the shortest thing ever. I'm sorry. Please comment and let me know what I can do to make it better! ILY GUYS 💕

Bye Hoodlums

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