Chapter 2 The Special , Beautiful, Spectacular moments

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Haylo guys
The picture is Chase " so what's your dream ?" 😂
I hope you like this chapter. 😁 💕
The next morning

Valery's POV

I wake up to the beeping of my alarm.

It's 6:30. I can spare a few minutes. I hit snooze. My alarm beeps again. It's 7:46 HOLY SHIT I'm gonna be late. My moms gonna kill me.

But after last night I really don't care. I mean Kio fucked with Emily. Nobody fucks with Emily. Not without fucking with me.

It's not like a have a role model to teach me how to act "ladylike" anyway.

I exit my room after getting all my things. I avoid my dad. He's in the hallway bathroom. I hope not to see mom downstairs either. I look out the window and don't see my moms car. She must've left for work early.

I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple. I walk out the door, grab my bike , then start to school.


I'm at my locker when i see Emily. She looks so damn depressed. I hate seeing her like this. I try to cheer her up.

" Hey Em. Do you wanna come to my house later, and watch the notebook ? I know you really love that movie." I said. She lets out a strained smile and says

"No .. "

I replied with

" well .. Do you wanna go to that pizza place you really love ? The one with the cute waiter ? It'll be fun ."

I nudge her with my elbo and smile.

" no. I don't think I'm ready to start dating again. Or even look at a guy. "
She says quietly.

" Ice Cream then ? Coldstone?" I ask.

" sure. " she accepts.

We then go our separate ways to our classes.

After school Emily meets me by our spot. Under the weepy willow tree. Which made me feel kinda bad because she's sad and we meet at the weepy willow tree.

"Hey" she says quietly.

"Hey!" I say enthusiastically. Trying to cheer her up. Then we just start walking after a few minutes of silence.

When we walk into the coldstone , I hear a guy whistle and turn around to see him looking at Emily up and down. Pervert. I guess Emily didn't know he was talking to her because she didn't react at all. I don't say anything , I just keep walking up to the ice cream options. Then , the same guy come up behind Emily and slaps her ass. Emily turns around furious.

"Don't FUCKING touch me." She screams.

"Fine. You can't even take a joke." The male stranger says.

I'm now furious. She just got her heartbroken yesterday and this guy is already trying to hit on her. Literally.
While he walks away I turn him around , grab him by the shoulders and knee him the the crotch.

"Your crazy!" He manages to say through his grunts. He then stumbles out of the store.

Emily has calmed down. I know she doesn't want ice cream now , so I just take her home.

I'm walking home when i see Chase exiting the Rita's. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back. I can feel my face heating up. He walks over to me.

"Hi Valery." He says.

"Hey Chase." I could see he was still in his Rita's uniform.

"So what's up?" He asks casually.

"Nothin. Just walking home." I respond.

"Oh. Okay. Well, let me walk you." He suggests.

I give him a look. We barely know each other. Why should I let him walk me ? Why he want to walk me is the more important question.

I'm tempted to ask him why but that would sounds rude and might scare him off. So I just settle for

" okay. Let's go. "

We start talking about what our plans are for the summer, since it's only 2 months away. He tells me about his fascination with photography and ' capturing the special , beautiful , spectacular moments.' As he puts it. He wants to try and get an internship at a camera lens store.

" I love taking pictures. I also know a couple of things about camera lenses. The wide angle lenses, ect , ect. But not too much. I've learned that if you want people to take your seriously in anything you need to know what your talking about. I can't try to go and buy a lens and ask them for 'the one where you can see more' or 'the one with the zoomy - thingy.' So I'm trying to learn more so I can become a serious photographer." He states. He was really adorable.

"Awe. So your telling me the 'Rita's' gig is only temporary?" I half say , half laugh , saying this with full sarcasm and a hint of phony hurt. He laughs and slightly shrugs his shoulders.

"Sorry to say." He says still smiling. His smile will be the death of me.

"No , but seriously, that's awesome. Perusing your dream, and all. " I add.

"Glad you think so. So , what about you Valentine ? " he responds.

It was wierd to hear my full name. No one really called me my full name, that's why I introduced myself as Valery, but added my full first name as a side note when I met him.

"What about me?" I turn his question back to him.

"What's your dream?" He says spreading out him arms towards the sky.
(now look at the picture guys)

"Well , I want to be a writer. I know it sounds boring but, I don't know, I just like to write. To create my own little world, you know? " I say.

I look around me and suddenly become aware that we have walked passed my house a few times. I've seen the same people standing on the same corner over and over again. No wonder It felt like an abnormally long walk. I only lived a block away from where he started to walk me. Just when we were about to pass my house again , I said

"Oh, we're here. " I say and face him.

"Well , it's been fun. Thanks for walking me. It was getting kind of dark, and I'm a scaredy cat when it comes to walking alone during the dark hours. " I laugh sort off embarrassed when I say it.

"Same here. Anytime. I'll see you around." He says

I wave then turn towards the direction of my front door. I put my key in the lock and turn the handle. I walk inside
Then walk upstairs ignoring the
normal-day arguing from the sad tragedy that is my parents.
hoped you guys liked this chapter. I tried to make It longer. Please vote and comment if you like this story. 😁 💕
See ya

Bye Hoodlums.

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