Chapter 3 Big hero six

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Hope you guys like this chapter.
Bye 💕

I wake up and it's 8:47. Why do I always wake up so damn late ?!

I get dressed, glad that I prepared my outfit the day before.

I brush my teeth and I decide I'll just do my hair at school.

I drop my book bag down the stairs knowing nothing will get damaged because almost all of my books are at school, in my locker.

I then slide down the railing, but failing when I try to land. I stumble and fall onto the floor face first. Ouch that hurt like a bitch.

I push myself up and am about to grab an apple off the marble counter right in front of the fridge when I look at the calendar and see that schools canceled for today.

I totally forgot.

I feel like an idiot. I just got out of bed for nothing. Being the lazy, procrastinating potato that I am , I just pass out on the couch instead of going upstairs.


I'm awoken by the sound of a knocking on the door. It's noon now. I glance over at the mirror before even touching the handle.

I look a hot damn mess.

My hair is everywhere, and I haven't washed it lately so it's oily and itchy. I have sleep marks on my face. Last but definitely not least , there is still a puddle of drool near the corner of my mouth, and I slept with mascara on , so I have raccoon eyes.

I have no time to fix this. I just open the door as stick my head out partially ,towards the side of the door.

Luckily it was just Emily. She looked a lot better.

"Hey Val. " She said , abbreviating my name even further than What was necessary.

"Hey.." I said giving her a confused look. Not that I wasn't happy she was happy, it's just she seemed really upset yesterday. Knowing Emily, it takes a while to recover from things like that.

She walks past me knowing she's invited in no matter the circumstances. She then goes into the kitchen and opens then looks in the fridge.

"Pancakes?" She says grabbing the mix.

"Are you making -" I stop mid sentence seeing her grab the ground cinnamon.

"Did you even have to ask? " she says shaking her head.

Someone was feeling perky today.

We ate after she finished making breakfast. She was drinking her orange juice when she stopped and said

"I already have my dress for homecoming but I wanted some
gloves , you know the ones that go up to your elbow yea , those. I saw some really cute ones at H&M." Then she continued to drink her juice.

I most likely wouldn't be going to homecoming. But that doesn't mean we can't do some shopping. Plus , Mother's Day is coming up and I don't exactly have a present for mom.

"Okay. Let's! " I said quoting the movie white chicks.

I went upstairs to change and fix my hair. On the way out of my room I see dad walking out of his room.

"Where are you going? You don't have school today." He says , with his usual morning grumpiness.

Gee thanks Einstein, I was about to say. But then I remembered that I woke up early thinking we had school so I just kept quiet.

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