Jealousy and Realizations (part 1)

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(Set in Season 4, Episode 5, when Hen, Chimney, Buck, Eddie, and Bobby are talking about Ana and Eddie in the loft, but it is after their date. Also, everyone knows Buck is bi-sexual)

Buck's POV-

I focus on my phycology book on love languages that I recently started reading, trying to ignore the ache and pain in my stomach as Eddie goes on and on about his wonderful date with Ana. I decided to read up on my love language in hopes of figuring out how to get over these feelings looming over me.

"Ok, but enough about me," Eddie finally says, making me internally sigh. Thank the lord that it is over.

"One tragically single man down; one to go," Hen jokes, making everyone stare at me. 

"What?" I question, looking up from my book.

"You need to get out. I say since we all are off in two hours, how about Chim Eddie and I take you out for drinks and try to get you some action in your non-existent love life." she suggests looking at Eddie and Chim with a 'you better agree to this or I will have both your heads' look.

"Right," Eddie and Chim agree.

"Fine," I surrender. This just might be exactly what I need a night out to focus my attention on all the actually available and interested people in the world. It is time I really get over him; he is happy with someone, and it is time I am too.


We all sit at a table in the middle of the room with our first round of drinks. I scan the room looking for potential prospects making eye contact with a few interested-looking women, but none really catch my eye. I continue casually scanning the room.

"Ooo, how about him?" Hen suggests gesturing to a very young skinny guy in a booth with two other guys. 

"Eh, he isn't really my type," I reply, then see Hen stare at someone. 

Giving me a knowing look nodding her head in the direction of the bar. "How about him?"

I look in the direction of Hen's eyes to see the bartender on the other side of the bar. We make eye-contact. I scan down his body that is only half covered by the bar checking him out. He is a very attractive muscular, but very toned, and lean Latino man. I smirk, causing him to break eye contact, looking down and focus back on the drink he was making.

"Now that is more like it," I joke, making Chimney and Hen roll their eyes. I glance over to see a very confused-looking Eddie.

"What?" I ask.

"Since when were you into men?" he asks, his voice cracking mid-sentence. 

Now it was our turn to all be confused, "what do you mean since when? I have always liked men. I am bi-sexual Eddie." I say, looking at Hen and Chimney, who are both equally as confused as me. "I thought you knew?" 

"How? You never told me!" he whisper shouts looking slightly mad.

"I just thought it was common knowledge," I say, looking at Hen and Chimney for backup.

"Yeah, it is. He never told us either, but we all quickly figured it out. The question is, how did you not figure that out? You two have known him for three years?" Chim interjects, backing me up.

"I-" Eddie starts, then Hen interrupts him. "Whatever now you know, let's get back to the problem at hand." 

Ignoring the hurt look on Eddie's face, I smile at her in appreciation. Discussing my sexuality with my best friend, who I am trying to get over, isn't helping the situation whatsoever. 

"Ok, I am going over there," I state, getting up before Eddie says anything else or I lose my nerve. 

"Go get him, tiger," Hen cheers as I head over to the bartender.

Eddie POV-

I stare after Buck as a wave of emotions floods through my entire body as I watch him approach the very good-looking man. Since when was he into men? I guess I have seen him check a guy out here and there, but I thought he would have told me if he was into men.

I can't help feeling a bit hurt that I didn't know such a huge part of my best friend, and he didn't even feel the need to tell me.

I was shaken from my thoughts, "You need to get your shit together!" Hen whisper shouts at me, clearly mad.

"What are you talking about? He has never talked about men around me. I had no idea!" I retaliate.

"That is not what I am talking about, though that isn't spectacular either. You need to get it together and accept your feelings for him, or you need to let him move on. What you have been doing is completely unfair to Buck. He has been waiting for you to finally get it for years, but somehow you are still completely blind. He finally decided to move on since you have been talking on and on about Ana, so you don't get to sit here and pout that he is talking to someone else," she practically screams at me, clearly pissed.

I stare at her awestruck. 

What is she talking about that I have to get? Also, Buck is finally moving on? When was he ever on?! He has been waiting for me? 

I look back to Buck and the bartender deep in flirtatious conversation, and it hits me again that feeling of ache mixed with pain. My eyes widen; I am jealous.

I am jealous that Buck is with some other guy and not ever here with me. I am jealous that he is giving that playful, loving look he gives me when he makes a joke or teases me to some other guy. That look which makes an eruption of butterflies go off deep in my stomach every time; that I crave like a drug. That feeling of absolute content when I watch him and Christopher as they play videogames or when he makes us breakfast after staying the night. That warm ache I get when we sit and talk on the couch, him rubbing my feet while we sip a cold beer. 

The realization hits me like a ton of bricks.

I am in love with my best friend.

I have always brushed it off as platonic love for my best friend.  Though deep down, I have always known it isn't. I have never felt this so deeply for anyone, not even Shannon.

"I am in love with Buck," I blurt out at the sudden realization, breaking me out of my trance.

"Finally! Took you long enough!" Chimney says, both of them releasing a relieved sigh.

"Yeah, I was starting to think you would never figure it out," Hen joins in, looking both exasperated and relieved.

Hey guys, I have been watching 9-1-1 for the past few months now and am thoroughly obsessed with these two oblivious domestic love birds. I love them so much I decided to do some one-shots about them. They will probably be a few pages long, and I definitely won't be posting consistently because I am just writing these when they come into my head at like 2 am so don't come for me. However, I will probably be writing once a week when a new episode comes out. Anyways, I hope you enjoy them! Xoxo

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